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Franz Joseph Haydn

Christopher Moriarty takes a look at the life of Haydn, one of the greatest composers of classical music and a devout Catholic.


Faces of the other

Raymund J Festin SVD from the Philippines writes about his work in Angola, where he learned some important lessons on being a missionary.


Readings for Your Wedding

This handbook is designed by editor Brian Magee CM to help the reader prepare the readings for a wedding, so that their message can be conveyed in a way that is meaningful for the couple and the congregation. Each reading is prefaced by a short commentary, and there is a [...]


Mistakes in the past and the primacy of conscience

Has the Church made mistakes in its pronouncements in the past? If a person today finds themselves in conflict with Church statements, what should they do? Seán Fagan SM tries to shed some light.


14. St Laurence O’Toole: a spiritual leader for difficult times

Archbishop of Dublin during the takeover of Ireland by the Normans and King Henry II, his efforts in the peace process and his frustration with King Henry probably caused his early death. Highly honoured at Eu in Normandy, France, where he died. Kevin Doran, parish priest of Glendalough, tells his [...]


Oliver Plunkett in his own words

Desmond Forristal gives a lively account of the life of Oliver Plunkett from young priest in Rome through his travels to Ireland. We follow him through his ministry as archbishop, the disguises he adopted, his experience as a fugitive, his imprisonment in Dublin, his trial in London and final execution [...]


The God I believe in and why

In this book, Maurice Reidy meets with four people: two are believers and two are not and explores their experiences of religious belief and unbelief. He shows that to believe in God is a reasonable decision and one that can be sustained. He concludes with a personal account of his [...]


Mission under scrutiny: confronting current challenges

J. Andrew Kirk has selected a variety themes for thoughtful consideration of what present day ‘Christian mission’ looks like in a world that is post-modern, post-Christian and post-Western, post-everything! It should be helpful to for church leaders, students and all thinking Christians, inside and outside the academic world, wishing to [...]


Lacordaire: “To have a heart of fire!”

Lacordaire was a famous French priest and preacher of the 19th century. He had a marvellous grasp of the beauty of the Christian message. His somewhat eccentric personality is profiled here by John Murray.


Aifrinn as Gaeilge in Ard-Deoise Bhaile Átha Cliath

Seo dhíbh amanna agus láithreacha na n-Aifreann as Gaeilge in Ard-Deoise Bhaile Átha Cliath.


Tarot: talisman or taboo? reading the world as symbol

This book by the Benedictine Mark Patrick Hederman gives an introduction to the Tarot, a history of its uses and abuses, a practical guide to its value as an underground map to the unconscious where the springs of our creativity are hidden, and where God can enter our lives. It [...]


A beacon of hope

In 2005 the Church published The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church. This is an accessible summary of Catholic social teaching of the last century. Gerry O’Hanlon stresses that this is not something added on to our faith. It is the practical application of the Gospel.


12 Days of Christmas

This is a delightful book for children, based on the well-known Christmas carol. It is written by Kathleen Darragh and and illustrated by Jeanette Dunne. Here children can discover for themselves in pictures and by reading the people, the images, the symbols and the variety that is the Christmas story. [...]


Abide with me

There are probably as many different ways of praying as there are people. Dermot Mansfield SJ adopts the wise Benedictine saying “Pray as you can, not as you can’t” and goes on to suggest a few ways people may find helpful.


Eye on art

Sister Wendy Beckett writes about her visit to Rome to see five ancient icons of Our Lady which pre-date the iconoclasm of the 8th century.


Our duty to the earth

In 2005 The Compendium of the Social doctrine of the Church was published. It included a chapter on “Safeguarding the Environment”. Cathy Molloy introduces us to this comparatively new aspect of Church teaching and the issues involved.


All in a day’s work

Nusha Yonkova is the information officer at the Immigration Council of Ireland (ICI). Here she share her busy day with us.


The little book of Christian rituals in the home

A book by Veritas catechetical writer Tom Gunning that helps you celebrate prayers and rituals in the home for all the important occasions and times of the year. For birth and death, for going out and coming home, for the living and for the dead. Every Christian family would love [...]


Putting hand to the plough: a memoir

Seventy-five year old retired Maynooth vice-president and parish priest Denis O’Callaghan sees his life in three phases: the twenty five years of his childhood and preparation for the priesthood, twenty five years teaching moral theology in Maynooth and twenty five years as parish priest in Mallow. This fascinating memoir charts [...]


Companion to the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church

This is an excellent and user-friendly guide to the “Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church”. It is also an invaluable reource for anyone searching for direction from the Church’s social teaching on many of the social and ethical problems facing the modern world. The author, Pádraig Corkery, is [...]


A single vocation

There seems to be only two vocations spoken of in the Church: to marriage or to religious life. What about single celibate people, who neither want to marry nor take Holy Orders or enter a relig­ious congregation? Could ‘singledom’ be described as a vocation? John.


Conscientious objector: Franz Jägerstätter (1907-1943)

John Murray PP tells the story of the Austrian farmer, Franz Jägerstätter, who rejected arguments of obedience and his own safety and refused to enlist in the Nazi army: he felt in his conscience what they were doing was evil and he would have no part in it.


The whisper of God

If God wants to speak to us – to you or me – how do you think He goes about it? From his experience John Callanan SJ gives an insight as to how this works.


Seeds for the soul: Sunday homilies for cycle A

Brendan McGuire was born in Bray, Co Wicklow. He worked in IT in the USA before being ordained in 2000 and is now pastor in San Jose, California. Here he shares his Sunday homilies for the year when Matthew’s gospel is read. We have chosen his homelies for the six [...]


Palace of the Popes

Martin Gani visits Avignon and learns about the infamous “Babylonian Captivity”.


Truth and peace

Eileen writes: A passage from Luke (12:49-53) read at Mass last summer disturbs me. To me the Lord is full of compassion and love, yet Jesus says, “Do you suppose that I am here to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. For from now on, [...]


“My God, my God, why did you abandon me?” (Mt 27: 46)

The central movement in Christianity is from death to life. Death is often the spiritual death of guilt, sin, injustice; life is often the liberating joy of doing the right thing. Columban Missionary Fr Shay Cullen sent us this story for Easter 2008.


World Youth Day

This month the Pope asks us to pray ‘that the World Youth Day in Sydney, Australia, may inspire young people and make them the seed of hope for a new humanity’. Fr Leon Ó Giolláin SJ explains who are the young people who will be at Sydney and are the [...]



Paul Andrews SJ looks at some perspectives on mourning for the dead from his experience of watching some Maori funerals in New Zealand. He also tells how they have turned alcohol consumption to social advantage.

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