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Alfred Delp SJ: a man transformed

Alfred Delp was born in Mannheim, Germany, in 1907 and joined the Jesuits in 1926. After his ordination he worked as a journalist. During the war he became involved with a group envisioning a Germany free of Hitler….


Look at it this way: different perspectives on Christian living

Fr Jack McArdle offers his pastoral thoughts and insights on different aspects of Christian living. He looks at different signposts and gifts we may have. Always easy to read, this book will be helpful to many.


Luigi Di Liegro: priest and social campaigner 1928-97

Luigi Di Liegro was a popular and controversial priest who campaigned for social justice especially for immigrants in Italy. Head of Caritas from 1980 till his death in 1997, Pope John Paul II assured him that those who criticised him also criticised the Pope. Desmond O’Grady tells his story.


Jesus at prayer

Jesus himself prayed in times of emergency and wanted others to pray along with him. His prayer shows him in a very intimate relationship with the one he calls “Abba”, Dada. He urges us to pray in like manner. James McPolin SJ introduces us to Jesus at prayer.


The Death of Religious Life

Tony Flannery recounts the development of ‘religious life as he has experienced it from the time he entered, in the fifties, until the present day. He suggests that the seeds of the present decline were already being sown early on and questions whether a new form of religious life will [...]


The heart at rest – daily readings with St Augustine

Dame Maura Sée presents brief but useful extracts from the major writings of St Augustine which are unequalled for their brilliance, charm and forcefulness. Augustine was concerned with God’s love for us and our response, with what we can know of God and with what living the life to which [...]


The origins and spirituality of the Epiphany

Epiphany is a solemnity or major feast celebrated on 6th January, though – since the reform of the liturgical calendar – it is now marked by many Catholic churches on the Sunday between the 2nd and 8th January, where 6th January is not a holy day of obligation. Patrick Duffy [...]


Good guys die last!

The Leonard Cheshire Foundation exists to serve disabled people worldwide and to change attitudes toward disability. Marina Hoey is their Volunteer Support Manager in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Here she tells how volunteering can be a very positive experience in a person’s life. Phone contact: 02890 246247 and email: marina.hoey@lc-uk.org


The Rosary: when words fail us

This article on the Rosary is taken from John Follan’s book, “The Light of his Face: Spirituality for Catholic teachers”. It brings out how, despite the agro the recitation of the Rosary causes in families, it can be found to have a significant place.


People in the workforce

“Work is for the benefit of human beings, not human beings for the benefit of the production process.” This is the central point that Peter McVerry SJ emphasises in this helpful run through the papal encyclicals on the problems of human work and economic life.


Would you believe?

Amanda writes: How sure can we be that there will be second coming of Jesus Christ and a bodily resurrection of all the dead at his coming? I find that I cannot believe this at all because a return of Jesus with a Universal Resurrection gives rise to many questions. [...]


What is World Communications Day?

Every year on the Sunday before Pentecost the Church celebrates the achievements of the communications media and focuses of how it can best use them to promote gospel values. Patrick Duffy explains what it is and refers to both the achievements and new initiatives of CatholicIreland.net.


Seventy times seven

By making some up-to-the-minute cultural comparisons, Fr Oliver Treanor draws out the radical implications of the parable of the unforgiving servant.


Work and play

Dympna M. McMahon writes about volunteering for Children in Hospital, Ireland.


What’s in a month?

Why is June known as the Month of the Sacred Heart? – Róisin.


Every picture tells a story

Noel Gavin, a photographer with the “Irish Daily Star” tells how his work as a photographer, especially in so-called Third World countries has inspired to the the stories of the poor.


Let go, let God

We often wonder how we ought to pray. Paul Andrews SJ points to some not too difficult ways we could start.


For God’s sake

Theology student and rugby international Andrew Trimble is admired as much for his brilliance on the rugby pitch as for his courage in talking about his committed Christian faith. Writer John Scally learns that there is no room for tokenism in the dashing world of Ulster’s finest.


Confronting power and sex in the Catholic Church: reclaiming the Spirit of Jesus

Retired Bishop Geoffrey Robinson critiques the Church’s use and misuse of power, from the Pope to any preacher at the pulpit. He also proposes a new model of exercising authority in the Church where all the members are treated as responsible adults.


Care of the dying: a sublime vocation

Carers for the dying have a sublime and sensitive vocation. They need to be aware of their own motivation. They should not deny the reality of the coming death so patients and carers can share memories and deal with past hurts. Philip Fogarty SJ explains.


Lapsed agnostic

John Waters is journalist who has become an outspoken campaigner for fathers’ rights in Ireland. He has also written a song to represent Ireland in the Eurovision Song Contest. Here he recalls his journey from belief to unbelief and back again.


Four months in a country town

Paul Andrews SJ recounts his time with the parish priest in a New Zealand parish and how the way of life there gives expression to the gospel message in the 21st century.


All God’s children

Jackie Pallas tells about her work as National Secretary of the Society of Missionary Children, and how it links children in Ireland with children in Africa in helping and praying for one another.


The human and environmental cost of development

Columban missionary Fr. Shay Cullen’s columns are published in The Manila Times, in publications in Ireland, the UK, Hong Kong, and on-line.) http://www.preda.org/archives/2008/r08082001.html


Worker for the kingdom

The conference of Religious of Ireland (CORI) is a forum for over 80 religious congregations. Sarah Mac Donald spoke to its Director General, Sr Marianne O’Connor OSU.


The Ministry of the Word: A Compilation of Sources

The recent Synod of Bishops in Rome on the Word of God (October 2008) highlighted ways of more effective proclaiming the Word of God in today’s world and having it inspire the lives of Christians. In anticipation of this, the Cloyne Commission for Liturgical Formation last year produced two beautiful [...]


Rome and Venice 1523

We follow Ignatius with Brian Grogan SJ as he goes to Rome and on to Venice hoping to go to Jerusalem.


Ethics in the service of the sick

This book by Mgr Charles G. Vella, who has had long experience as a hospital chaplain, stresses the humanising and healing effects of the simple communicative acts of listening, caressing, smiling, stopping by and giving time to sick patients and not treating them as a number. Useful for anyone working [...]


The humbled Church

There was a time, says Paul Andrews SJ, when the Irish Church needed the metaphor of the light of the world. for instance, in famine times when it gave us an identity to survive misery. Perhaps now it is time for another image: yeast in the dough, working for good [...]


Chinese days

Journalist Miriam O’Donohoe recalls her time in China and how it strengthened her Catholic faith.

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