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Thérèse of Lisieux

Vernon Johnson’s short booklet is a valuable summary of an extraordinary life. Therese of Lisieux is a Doctor of the Church — not because she was learned but because the insights into faith in her writings are so astounding, so profound. She is one of the most loved saints in [...]


The Christian response to modern individualism

Seán O Conaill identifies an elitist vein in present-day individualism and warns that the right response is not a return to the social and religious conformism of the past.


Season of great expectations

In this Advent homily, Celestine Cullen OSB explains that the new world promised in the liturgy of Advent is not a world without pain or conflict, but a world in which God’s grace, power, and presence will be there to support and strengthen us.


Violence towards women and children

Fr. Seamus Enright, in a 1997 sermon during Limerick’s Solemn Novena in honour of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, preached on violence towards women and children.


New life for old: on desire and becoming human

Starting with human desire, Vincent MacNamara traces the possibility for the contemporary reader to move through the development of a personal self and soul-awakening to religious faith and moral transformation.


In Mexico’s Mountains

Tom Cahill writes about an Irish SVD missionary, Paul Merne from Carlow, who has been living and working among the Otomi and Zapotec Indians in Mexico since 1979.


A “community of communities”

How a parish of 30,000 people can become a vibrant community if lay volunteers are trained and used well – former leader of the Columbans in England, Ed O’Connell, now back in Peru, explains.


The Italian connection

Italy has had an important impact on how we celebrate Christmas, but Italians also have some unusual practices, writes Fr Michael Collins from Rome.


A prayer for healing victims of abuse

Following the publication of the Ferns Report we offer this prayer for the use of those affected by child abuse.


Lent in the 21st Century: Does it have a place?

Breda O’Brien, columnist with The Irish Times reflects on the meaning of Lent and its place in today’s world.


The Bible and Vatican II

This article is Chapter 7 of Henry Wansbrough’s book “The Story of the Bible: how it came to us” published by Darton, Longman and Todd. It deals with arguments about whether there are two sources of revelation – scripture and tradition, inerrancy and the kind of truth the Bible teaches.


Sunday thoughts.com

Martin Tierney has gathered together personal reflections based on the Sunday and feastday readings for the three year Liturgical cycle. They are both inspirational and a good resource for people preparing Sunday Liturgies.


Croagh Patrick

Traditionally, the last Sunday in July is associated with the pilgrimage to Croagh Patrick, a mountain near Westport in Co Mayo.


A modern young man: Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati

Pier Giorgio Frassati lived for only twenty four years. Yet his life was so full of love for the poor that when he died the poor of Turin all flocked to his home to touch him like a relic. John Murray traces his life.


Fra Angelico

Fra Angelico is well-known as an artist, but he never handled a brush without fervent prayer. He was beatified by Pope John Paul in 1982 and declared patron of Catholic artists in 1984. John Murray tells his story.


Romans: justice for the righteous

In anticipation of his projected visit to Rome, Paul wants to present to the Christian Jews at Rome his overview of how justification comes to all through the mercy of God in Christ. Philip Fogarty SJ explains.


Let the reader understand

Sean Goan’s book offers short helpful explanations of the readings used on Sundays during Year C of the liturgical cycle. For many lay people who have little or no training in theology, including readers, the readings can be difficult to understand, so this book gives an introductory article about the [...]


The fragrance of God: finding God through the natural world

Through the practical interaction with his garden, Vigen Guroian finds God touching the significant transitions of our lives and how God is loving us in them.


Luigi Scrosoppi (1804-1884)

Luigi Scrosoppi was an Oratorian priest, who with his brother ran an orphanage in Udine at a time when there was a strong anti-religious wind sweeping over Italy. Working and keeping his good humour through adversity, he became famous for miracles of healing after his death.


Níorbh fhéidir … gan grásta an Spioraid Naoimh: Proinsias Xavier 1506 – 2006

Ní raibh fios ar bith ag muintir na hEorpa faoi’n Seapáin go dtí gur scríobh Proinsias Xavier litir ‘na bhaile ó’n tir sin. Agus is tréan an chumhacht chun idirghuí atá aige go fóill. Scríobhann Brian Mac Eochagáin SJ faoi shaol Phroinsiais Xavier, naomh coimirce na misiún.


A fifty day celebration

This is an extract from “Those Three Days: A resource for the celebration of the Easter Triduum”, by John McCann and Pat O’Donoghue. It highlights some suggestions for the fifty days between Easter and Pentecost.


Fishers of men

This second article by Philip Fogarty SJ on the Gospel of Mark shows how the call of the disciples, his teaching with authority, heaing on the sabbath and forgiving sins brings up the question: Who is this man?


Changing profile in Irish vocations

Candidates for the priesthood and religious life in Ireland today have a changed profile for that of pre-Vatican II times. Those now choosing seem to be older, more mature and to have more experience of life. The choice today may also be more counter-cultural and require a stronger personal faith. [...]


The time of my life

Tess Martin talks to Nancy Darcy who is a member of The Third Age Foundation and has moved out of Dublin to live in Co. Meath.


Coming home

Looking at the story of the Prodigal Son, Fr Oliver Treanor is able to show us the extravagance of the love God the Father and Jesus has for each one of us.


Catholic dreamtime

Although he acknowledges the risk of commercialisation, Father Paul Andrews SJ is sure there is a real place for images, symbols and popular devotions in all true spirituality.



Giving out about the state of things in the world is not a Christian occupation, says psychotherapist Paul Andrews SJ. But blessing is. We have the power to bless and approve, and it carries more weight than we imagine


The bread of life: preparing for first confession and first communion

This well-illustrated book is a course of fifteen lessons for children preparing for First Confession and First Holy Communion. It will be an invaluable resource in any home, parish and school which wants to hand on the faith to their children.


Maigh Rois – “imeall an domhain”?

In 1987 tháinig seachtar fear óg le chéile leis an Athair Benedict Groeschel, a bhí ina Chaipisíneach, chun ord úr a bhunú, Bráithre Proinsiasacha na hAthnuachana. Bhí siad ag iarraidh Naomh Proinsias a leanúint go dlúth i gcroílár na hEaglaise agus go háirithe i seirbhís na mbocht. Tá siad díreach [...]


Now and then

Brian Grogan brings us on a visit to the places and scenes of St Ignatius’s life and asks us to ponder what it would be like for us to revisit the scenes of our own life after we died.

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