Looking at the parable of the Pharisee and the tax-collector, Fr Oliver Treanor is able to point our what are the central attitudes that will win us the kingdom of God.
A hundred years ago this year – on 28th July 1907 – Father John Sullivan was ordained a priest in the Jesuit chapel in Milltown Park. Conor Harper SJ writes about his life and influence.
Here Paul Andrews SJ talks about making contact – with people and with God.
Ceann d’ócáidí móra na bliana 1592 ar Mhór-Roinn na hEorpa ab ea bunú Choláiste na nGael i Salamanca na Spáinne. Ag cur san áireamh an caidreamh a bhí idir an tír seo agus an Spáinn san am sin, ní hiontas é go mbunófaí Coláiste Éireannach i gcathair úd an chultúir, [...]
What is resurrection? Looking at the last chapters of Mark’s gospel, Phil Fogarty SJ starts from what it recounts and then goes on to give us some idea of what the resurrection of the body might mean for us. “The Good News of Christianity is that for those who die, [...]
The Medical Missionaries of Mary’s newest mission is in the city of Feira da Santana in north-east Brazil. Sisters Siobhán Corkery, Ursula Cott, and Sheila Linehan are the Irish sisters involved. They are helped by local lay missionaries Sirlane Santo Silva and Ligeane Cardoso dos Santos.
The theme of the conference was: Benedict XVI on Church Art and Architecture. This report is by Patrick Duffy.
Fr Michael Paul Gallagher SJ explains that the new culture we are living in today is not necessarily acting against the Christian faith, but it calls the youth of today to make decisions about their life and spirituality.
This month (June 2008) the Pope asks us to pray ‘that Christians cultivate a personal friendship with Christ that they may convey his great love to those they encounter. Brendan Comerford SJ explains how we can do this.
Barbare de Búrca looks at some of the problems and assumptions surrounding the sacrament of confirmation in handing on the faith to adolescents.
Gerald O’Collins SJ has written a theological portrait of Jesus using the best of current biblical scholarship.
The present crisis in Anglicanism is a difficult but highly creative moment. This is the belief of the leading Anglicans from different backgrounds who are the contributors to this book edited by Kenneth Stevenson.
Using The Catechism of the Catholic Church as his starting point and structure, Patrick M. Devitt provides a range of images, personalities, cameos from everyday life along with a Scripture text to present and illustrate the truths of the Catholic faith. The style is punchy. It is useful not only [...]
Brian Grogan SJ describes the insecure journey of Inigo as a poor pilgrim from Montserrat to Manresa and focuses on how he begins to see things through the eyese of a beggar. He goes on to ask the reader to reflect on their own experience of poverty or of helping [...]
“What’s community?” asked Pat Coyle’s teenage son when she thought she had produced the clinching argument about why he should go to Mass. It was the beginning of her journey of letting him follow his own path.
James D. writes: Dear Father, The Catholic Church insists so much on attendance at Sunday Mass that it seems as if this is the top priority for members. Are other aspects of Christian life not of greater importance? Fr Bernard McGuckian SJ replies.
This month the Pope asks us ‘that Sunday be lived as the day on which Christians gather to celebrate the Risen Lord in the table of the Eucharist’. Fr Michael Paul Gallagher SJ explains.
Joe Aston, fisherman and sailor, tells what inspires him to be a believer.
Jim Corkery SJ provides some consoling thoughts to a person wracked by doubts about the existence of God.
David Birchall SJ answers a query about the sacrament of the sick, when it should be received and they way to prepare for it.
My child is just beginning instruction for First Communion at school, but I’ve not been to church for years. I’m worried that either pressure will be put on me to go to church or that my child will be made to think that I’m not as good as the other [...]
Mass attendance in Ireland is continuing to fall. Desmond O’Donnell, OMI, argues that counting heads at Mass is not the most important thing.
Sister Maureen MacMahon OP writes on her passion for art.
Mark Harkin takes a look at the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin’s famous repository of the rare and wonderful. Those with an eye to the Christian past will not be disappointed with the fascinating Sacred Traditions permanent exhibition.
Ritual responses to death have changed often in the Church’s history. Liam Tracey OSM, Professor of Liturgy in St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth, examines especially the history of All Souls Day and some problems of perception raised by the liturgy of that day.
Can a scientist believe in God? Chris Moss, Jesuit priest and astronomer, says yes. From the very beginning, some might say, Chris Moss’ future was ‘in the stars’. Growing up in Preston, the only town in England with its own research observatory, he rubbed shoulders with astronomers before he even [...]
I Lúnasa 1991 bhí an tAthair Seán Ó Guibhne i dtimpiste eitleáin i Nairobi. Tháinig sé as ina bheo agus seo a scéal.
The reasons for migration and refugee flows are often complex, say Mark Raper SJ and Amaya Valcàrcel, but the main reasons are violations of human rights, military conflict, and the violence of poverty. This is Chapter 3 of Raper and Valcàrcel’s book, ‘Refugees and forcibly displaced people’.
Cothraí Gógan
Patrick’s self-giving was total, and it bore immediate fruit in the many Irish men and women who entered consecrated life as a consequence of his mission.