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Strangest genius: the stained glass …

This is a beautifully illustrated history and catalogue of the entire stained-glass collection of Harry Clarke (1889-1931). Authors: Lucy Costigan & Michael Cullen


The search for justice: Trócaire: a history

This book by Brian Maye an attempt to capture, for the benefit of a new generation of supporters, partners and staff, the inspiring stories of Trócaire's work over almost forty years.


The call to be human: making sense of morality

240pp. Veritas Publications. To purchase this book online go to www.veritas.ie

Theologian Vincent MacNamara sees morality as a call to the full human flourishing each of us has as part of our human make-up. We find ourselves with others in society searching to do the decent thing. The author leads us gently but with expertise and authority. And he [...]


First Fota International Liturgical Conference

Pope Benedict’s concern for a genuine reform of the liturgy was the theme of an international liturgical conference held at the Sheraton Fota Island Golf Resort and Spa last week-end. The report is by Patrick Duffy.


The Dublin/Murphy Report: A watershed …?

As it did with the Ryan Report, the Columba Press has recently produced an excellent collection of responses to the Dublin/Murphy Report. Ed. by John Littleton and Eamon Maher


Prayers in English

“Pray like this”The first prayer of all for Christians is the one that Jesus taught us. The ‘Our Father is taken from Chapter 6 of Matthew’s Gospel. The ‘Sign of the Cross’ and the ‘Glory be’ are early Christian affirmations of the Trinity, God three in one. [...]


The amazing sacrament: a celebration of the Eucharist

Stephen Redmond SJ's book is an accessible introduction for anyone keen to learn more about the central act of the christian tradition specially prepared for the Year of the Eucharist.


Lough Derg: the spirit of a holy place

John Cunningham, a retired headmaster in Fermanagh, looks at the legends and the deep spiritual traditions in Lough Derg’s lengthy history as a place of pilgrimage.


The death of life: the horror of extinction

Seán McDonagh's book is a plea for action before it is too late to save the 11,000 species currently under threat of extinction in mangrove forests and coral reefs across the world.


The cosmic circle: Jesus and ecology

In The Cosmic Circle Edward P. Echlin relates Jesus to ecology. He looks at Jesus in his Nazareth years as craftsman and food grower, and his connection with the earth.


Turf, oil and lifestyle addiction

Up till recently we never had any dificulties about the burning of fossil fuels. But now with global warming established as a fact, perhaps it is time to think again about it, suggests Conall Ó Cuinn SJ.


An invitation to our composers

A new edition of the Roman Missal with a new translation is being prepared at present. It is expected thaqt the work will be completed towards the end of next year. A new translation means that many of the current texts are changed and therefore new music settings are required.

While [...]


Holy Days of Obligation

Holy Days of Obligation are major feasts of the Church’s year on which – in addition to Sundays – Catholics are obliged to go to Mass. They are also to abstain from such work or business that would inhibit the worship to be given to God, the joy proper to [...]


The use of Scripture in the Church

For the use of scripture in the Church,  see The Catechism of the Catholic Church. 131-141.   http://www.scborromeo.org/ccc/p1s1c2a3.htm#V


The interpretation of Scripture

To know about the interpretation of scripture, that is, the criteria for understanding what God might be saying to you as you hear a reader proclaim scripture passage in church or as you read part of it quietly in your room.  See The Catechism of the Catholic Church.  109-119.   http://www.scborromeo.org/ccc/p1s1c2a3.htm#III


Inspiration and the truth of Scripture

For the inspiration and the truth of scripture:  See The Catechism of the Catholic Church. 101-108.   http://www.scborromeo.org/ccc/p1s1c2a3.htm#I


Contemporary translations of the Bible into English

Which Bible is the most readable in contemporary English? Which is the most accurate and faithful to the original language?  Patrick Duffy assesses contemporary translations of the Bible with regard to accuracy of translation and readability in English.


Missionaries and the Bible

Patrick Duffy comments on a distinct difference between how Catholic and Protestant used the Bible.


Early translations of the Bible into English

Patrick Duffy draws on Henry Wansbrough OSB’s book, The Story of the Bible: How it came to us (Darton, Longman and Todd 2006) to summarise information on translations into Old, Middle and Early Modern English.


Early translations of the Bible in general

This is an account of early translations of the Bible. Patrick Duffy draws on Henry Wansbrough OSB’s book, The Story of the Bible: How it came to us (Darton, Longman and Todd 2006).


Young evangelists

Mary Maume looks at the Kairos Retreat experience and how this form of youth ministry can be a means for growth in personal faith.


Origins and development of Advent


Vincent Ryan OSB

When the feast of the nativity of the Lord was introduced to Rome in the early years of the fourth century, it was celebrated as a simple memorial and was not preceded by a period of preparation. It was not until about the [...]


Glendalough: a celtic pilgrimage

Michael Rodgers and Marcus Losack provide a detailed guide to the ancient pilgrimage site of Glendalough, revealing its rich traditions, legends and stories.


An illustrated catechism (2007)

This illustrated teaching resource presents the basic elements of the Catholic faith in four sections: The Creed, The Sacraments, The Commandments and Prayer.


Social Doctrine Compendium (2005)

The Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace presents a concise overview of Catholic social teaching drawing on papal document, decrees of Vatican II and the Catechism.


Compendium of the Catechism (2005)

This Compendium is a synthesis of The Catechism of the Catholic Church and contains, in concise form, all the essential and fundamental elements of the Church's faith.


Conflict, controversy and co-operation

Norman W. Taggart, a Methodist minister who was deeply involved in the Irish Council of Churches during the early years of the Troubles in Northern Ireland, follows the story of that body as it broke new ground in ecumenical relations with the Catholic Church.


Making themselves at home: the Benedictine monks at Rostrevor

Users of the Prayer Request page of this website will have noted the debt we owe to the Benedictines in Rostrevor, Co. Down. These five monks, from the Benedictine Congregation of Saint Mary Monte-Oliveto, have taken it upon themselves to pray for the intentions of those who submit prayer requests [...]


Why Go to Mass?

Finbarr Clancy SJ answers the question about why is it important to go to mass.


Reconciled being, love in chaos

President Mary McAleese tells how her experience of have children has given her some understanding of how God can extend his love to so many. There is no exclusivity in God’s love: it is all-including.

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