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Beyond Crucifixion: Meditations on surviving sexual abuse

106 pp. Darton Longman and Todd Ltd. To purchase this book online go to www.dltbooks.com

THE BOOK“Not for the faint-hearted. For those who want to support survivors of abuse in practical ways, walking the Lenten journey with Beth Crisp is a great place to start. Confronting and challenging, this [...]


Our Family Mass: Resources for the Family Sunday Liturgy Year A

233 pp. Veritas Publications. To purchase this book online, go to www.veritas.ie

THE BOOKThis is a comprehensive collection of ready-to-go Liturgies of the Word for every Sunday of Cycle A, as well as the major feast days. Whether setting [...]


Answers from within: Spiritual guidelines for managing setbacks in work

188 pp. Veritas Publications. to purchase this book online, go to www.veritas.ie

THE BOOKAnswers from within is written for men and women of faith who may need a compass to keep themselves on track when things go wrong in the workplace. It works best if absorbed in quiet [...]


Spirituality and environment: seeking …

This article is the text of a talk given to the Céifin Conference 2009 at the West County Hotel, Ennis. The theme of the conference was the search for a new vision and leadership for the future.


Who’s in charge? Towards a leadership of service

The papers of the 2009 Céifin Conference edited by Harry Bohan explore the kind of vision, values and leadership required to repair the damage of the past and find a way forward.


Mary, my mother

Lisa Gurney is a writer in Worcester, Massachusetts, USA.  She wants to share as widely as possible, how Mary helped the lost little girl and the suffering adult.


The Point of No Return

Fr. Shay’s columns are published in The Manila Times, in publications in Ireland, the UK, Hong Kong, and on-line. http://www.preda.org


The Stealing of Christmas

(Fr. Shay’s columns are published in The Manila Times, in publications in Ireland, the UK, Hong Kong, and on-line.)http://www.preda.org/main/archives/2010/r10120801.html


The holy sacrifice of the Mass: …

Theology has struggled for an adequate account of the doctrine of sacrifice. M. McGuckian's book explores the coherence of the Catholic tradition in relation to the fundamentals of faith.


O come let us adore: exploring the crib at Christmas

112 pp. Veritas Publications. to purchase this book online, go to www.veritas.ie


Setting the Scene: The Real Nature of Things To Bethlehem: Caesar and his Census  ‘We have come to worship’: The Visit of the Wise Men Disturbing the Tyrant: The Anger of King Herod Good News of Great Joy: The [...]


How Hurricane Katrina affected me

Maeve Mc Mahon OP is an Irish Dominican Sister who set up a school for African American children in New Orleans, but suffered a huge trauma when Hurricane Katrina struck. Here she tells some of her story. The fuller version is in her book recently published.


Fidelity without fundamentalism:…

What is fundamentalism? The question discussed here is about protecting a valuable tradition. Gerard J. Hughes SJ looks at some of the pitfalls of translating the tradition.


The haunted inkwell: art and our future

Mark Patrick Hederman seeks a possible meeting place between philosophy, literary criticism, art and truth. He stresses the prophetic role of the artist.


Glimpses of God: Reflections for days and seasons

126 pp. Veritas Publications. To purchase this book online, go to www.veritas.ie


Introduction About the Authors Lent & Easter

Spring Rain  Great Escape Breaking Bread Unforsaken  At the Foot of the Cross  Communion of Saints  Dead Man Walking  New Life  Beyond Loss

 The Days of Our Lives

Stand Still  A Place [...]


Mary MacKillop: the ground of her loving

164 pp. Darton Longman and Todd Ltd. To purchase this book online, go to www.dltbooks.com

After a first chapter on the life of St Mary MacKillop, Margaret Paton delves quite deeply into what inspired this great Australian woman and her devotion to children and to the poor. She also explores MacKillop’s articulate intelligence which [...]


Prayers for Grandparents

128 pp. Veritas Publications. To purchase this book online go to www.veritas.ie

This small book has about 250 short prayers from grandchildren for their grandparents. The prayers are beautifully laid out each one separately on a coloured page; they have [...]


Heart speaks to heart: the story of Blessed John Newman

Pope Benedict will be present in Birmingham at the beatification of Cardinal Newman. Coincidental with this event, Dermot Mansfield SJ has written an excellent and very accessible biography.


The place of Christian Ashrams in the journey towards spiritual perfection

44 pp. A manuscript for private circulation among Christian Ashramites and well-wishers of Ashram by Swamy Saranananda (Fr Korko Moses SJ).

ContentsIntroduction1. Stages in Spiritual Evolution2. Place of ashrams in the spiritual evolution3. Place of monastic and religious life in the spiritual evolution4. Monastic or Religious [...]


Meetings matter! spirituality and skills for meetings

This book grew out of an MA course in Applied Spirituality directed by the authors (P. Brady and B. Grogan) in the Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy, Dublin.


Antoni Gaudí

He died a pauper's death but the genius of Gaudi lives on in his wonderfully designed buildings and churches in Spain. No one knows what the final design of the Sagrada Familia was to be.


An introduction to the world of iconography

Sister Aloysius, an accomplished iconographer, explains the very special character of the icon and how interest in this sacred art form is growing in the West.


The mystical imagination of Patrick Kavanagh

Una Agnew SSL writes an intellectual and spiritual biography of Patrick Kavanagh, a man who, in spite of his general appearance, was a profoundly mystical poet.


A meditation on the icon of St. Nicholas

Gregory Collins shows us how to pray with an icon of St. Nicholas. As God filled Nicholas with goodness, compassion and light, he also wishes to shed his light in all human hearts.


Dark and disappearing

The plundering of the world's forests is having a devastating effect on creation, and for thousands of species life on earth is becoming a thing of the past. Seán McDonagh reports.


Anchoring the altar: Christianity and … art

In this fascinating book, Mark Patrick Hederman OSB argues that, far from being irrelevant in the twenty-first century, Christianity like art needs to and can find new forms that can give vibrancy and vision to the many different cultures in today’s world.


Battling the storm: A cancer patient’s diary

103pp. First published by The Irish Catholic 2009. Veritas 2010. To purchase this book online go to www.veritas.ie


Introduction by Tony Hanna 

I Have Cancer  Cancer is a Lonely Place  Cancer is a Lesson in Humility I Have Been Very Touched  The Unmentionable Sacrament We Take Things for Granted in the Developed World  This I las Not [...]


The Singing Heart of the World

Creation, Evolution and Faith. A scientist sets out relying on reason to seriously investigate the natural world we live in but eventually finds reason inadequate.


Spiritual masters for all seasons

176 pp. Hidden Spring, an imprint of Paulist Press. To purchase this book online, go to www.hiddenspringbooks.com


Acknowledgments Prelude 

Unmasking the Self The Faces of Thomas Merton  The Monk and the Archbishop A Conversation about Merton with Dr. Rowan Williams  Trusting the Heart The Dynamics of Henri J. M. Nouwen  The Monk [...]


Michelangelo’s spirituality

George Bull uncovers the depths of Michelangelo’s spirituality, his profound passion for beauty and his struggle not to let this draw him away from a Christian vision of the world.


Theology and modern Irish art

Gesa E. Thiessen explores central issues in the dialogue between theology and art, paying special attention to the spiritual aspects of a number of modern Irish painters.

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