Pope Francis had approved the cause for canonization of two of his venerable and much loved predecessors Blessed John XXIII and Blessed Pope John Paul II.
Social Justice Ireland has published a fully-costed Budget for 2014
Pope Francis’ first encyclical entitled "Lumen fidei" or “The Light of Faith” was released Friday at a press conference in the Vatican.
We are sons of God thanks to Jesus: no one can take away this “identity card.”
The consolidated financial statement for the Holy See for the year 2012 closes with a profit of € 2,185,622,.
Archbishop Eamon Martin has recorded a powerful and direct appeal on EWTN for the Irish people to choose life.
The Pro Life Campaign said it is disappointed at the result of the Second Stage vote on abortion in the Dáil but welcomed the fact that an initial four Fine Gael TDs voted against the bill.
To meet the living God we must tenderly kiss the wounds of Jesus in our hungry, poor, sick, imprisoned brothers and sisters.
"Your story has caused important questions to be asked so as to ensure that such mistakes of the past are never repeated." - President Higgins
It is hoped that some six thousand young people from 66 different countries will participate in the initiative.
On Sunday, 23rd June a Syrian priest, François Murad was killed in Gassanieh, in northern Syria.
We must recognize that we are weak and that, at times, we have to flee from sin without nostalgia, without looking back.
This Bill represents a legislative and political ‘Trojan Horse’ which heralds a much more liberal and aggressive abortion regime in Ireland.
“I can only hope that logic and verifiable evidence will prevail and substantive amendments will be accepted ..."
IOR-Director Comm. Paolo Cipriani and Deputy Director Dott. Massimo Tulli have offered their resignations from their current positions.
The Holy Father spoke of the conscience as the interior space in which we can listen to and hear the truth, the good, the voice of God.
Vatican Television is in the process of completely digitizing its television signals and building a new Master Control Room.
A member of the singing sensation, The Priests, says that the people of his two parishes are “very much part of the journey” and when he sings, he brings them with him.
Archbishop Gomez stated that while the USCCB Committee on Migration disagrees with elements of the bill, they see the legislation as an overall improvement upon the status quo.
Catholics and Orthodox share the same conception of dialogue that doesn't seek a theological minimalism
The Good Shepherd Sisters issued a statement welcoming the report and stated they plan to continue caring for women who continued to reside with them after leaving laundries.
School costs too much was the simple message SVP Social Justice brought to the Oireachtas Committee which yesterday launched their Tackling Back to School Costs report.
There is no "set protocol" for how God intervenes in our lives; sometimes it's immediate, sometimes we just have to have a little patience stated Pope Francis at Friday morning Mass
Trócaire and Concern have launched a new emergency appeals for Syria.
SVP members are becoming increasingly alarmed at the prevalence of money lenders in the communities they serve.
We are at a defining moment for our country, according to Catholic Bishops who issued a statement on the proposed abortion laws.
40,000 people attend National Vigil for Life
Irish missionaries work with the world's poorest communities in education, health, hunger, nutrition, and disease.”
This information pack aims to raise awareness of the effect of emigration on Irish communities.
The Redemptoristine sisters are rejoicing in Dublin as Pope Francis has recognised their founder as venerable.