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Fr Shay Cullen to personally accept Monsignor Hugh O’Flaherty Award next month

The co-founder of the PREDA Foundation will receive the award in recognition of his work with abused children in the Philippines.


Focolare hosts party for Syrian refugees

Language of love creates event like ‘meeting of two families’ in Kildare.


Catholic schools: future depends on ability to inspire

Schools that try to be “all things to all citizens” may end up with a “compromised ethos” warns Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.


Vocations Ireland expands training

We are refocusing our way of communicating with young people – Vocations Ireland


Irish agriculture know-how for Africa

If even a fraction of the learning of Irish agriculture reached Africa it would lift many millions of people out of extreme poverty, says Gorta–Self Help Africa


New book launched today on the legacy of Irish missionaries

“The missionary movement is firmly enshrined as a key part of our national heritage,” former president of Ireland, Mary Robinson, writes in the Foreword of ‘The Legacy of Irish Missionaries Lives On’.


Precious Life slams Amnesty abortion poll

Bernadette Smyth, director of Precious Life, says Amnesty is “claiming to be a ‘human rights group’ while campaigning for the legalised destruction of unborn children.”


Vatican watcher Marco Politi to discuss Pope Francis in TCD talk

The author of ‘Pope Francis Among the Wolves: The Inside Story of a Revolution’, said the wolves in the title of his book refer to conservatives who don’t want change.


Bishop of Limerick pays tribute to Munster rugby legend

“Whether on or off the field, Anthony [Foley] displayed the same characteristics of honesty, integrity, loyalty, dignity and more.”


Seven new saints for the Church

Three of the new saints are from the Spanish speaking world, while two are French and two are Italian. Two of the new saints are martyrs.


Schools to be closed by ASTI strikes

The Minister for Education and Skills has said it is regrettable that ASTI have decided not to cooperate with contingency arrangements to keep schools open.


Google Doodle celebrates Catholic carer of the Crimea

The ‘Google Doodle’ is in memory of Mary Seacole, who was named the greatest ever black Briton in a 2003 BBC poll.


Northern Ireland UKIP leader calls for end of Orange Order ban on members attending Catholic Mass

David McNarry said that the Orange Order should promote a discussion on the ban and admitted that he himself had attended Mass at the funerals of friends.


Let no one say work of safeguarding is done

“I have at times failed to realise how easily my own words and approach can unintentionally come across as hurtful or defensive to those who have been betrayed by Church leaders,” admits Archbishop Eamon Martin at Safeguarding Conference.


SVP welcomes aspects of Budget 2017, but says public investment must be prioritised

While the transformative policies of Early Childhood Care and Education, social housing provision and energy retrofitting of homes were welcome, according to the society, significantly greater public investment is required over the longer term.


Arbour Hill prisoners facilitate Alpha course on Christian faith.

Release Prison Partnership conference on 15 October aims to “re-frame the prison experience into something positive showing how people who go into the prison system can actually better their lives.”


Pro Life Campaign ready to address Citizens’ Assembly if asked

Record attendance at Pro Life Campaign national conference hears from Irish-born film producer about Gosnell movie, which lifts the lid on what actually happens during an abortion.


World expert on Saint Thomas Aquinas to give MIC talk

In his talk in Mary Immaculate College (Limerick) Fr Vivian Boland will examine the pedagogy and philosophy of education of the saint, whose writings on education, still of relevance today, are less well known than his writings on theology and philosophy.


Archbishop of Cashel & Emly to lead inaugural Mission Walk

Proceeds from the walk will go towards the Love and Hope Centre for people with HIV/AIDS in Nakuru, Kenya. The archbishop will be joined on the day by his Excellency, Mr Richard Opembe, the Kenyan Ambassador to Ireland.


Latest integrated school in Northern Ireland opens in County Down

A ceremony was held recently in County Down to mark the creation of the newest integrated school in Northern Ireland.


Budget 2017: Increase in overseas aid masks overall percentage drop

“Ireland has an international commitment to spend 0.7 percent of national income on helping the world’s poorest people, yet this budget will bring us further from this commitment” – Trócaire.


Two newly announced cardinals have links with Ireland

Mauritius prelate studied for the priesthood in Ireland, while the Prefect of the new Dicastery for Laity, the Family and Life was born in Dublin.


Bishop of Meath pays tribute to Columban martyrs

One hundred years ago, on 10 October 1916, the Bishops of Ireland gave their blessing to a new venture known as the Maynooth Mission to China. It became known as the Society of St Columban on 29 June 1918.


Investigative journalism under the spotlight

Speakers at a conference organised by Cleraun Study Centre will include Carol Leonnig, who won a public service Pulitzer Prize in 2014 as a member of a team that released the ‘Snowden Papers’.


Pope Francis names 17 new cardinals

Seventeen new cardinals, six of whom belong to dioceses that have never had cardinals before, will receive their red hats on 19 November.


Trump tells Catholic voters – I will fight for you

“I have a message for Catholics: I will be there for you,” says US presidential candidate, Donald Trump.


Archbishop O’Reilly tells pupils to always strive to do their best

Speaking at a special bicentennial Mass to celebrate the 200th anniversary of education by Christian Brothers in Thurles, Dr O’Reilly told students that “we can all be the best at what we do in so many different ways.”


Pro Life Campaign is reassured by Irish Times opinion poll on abortion

Dr Ruth Cullen of the Pro Life Campaign said: “The poll clearly shows that 73% of respondents do not want unrestricted access to abortion in Ireland, along the lines of what the ‘Repeal’ campaign is looking for.”


Pope and Anglican leader send Limerick bishops on joint mission

“Catholics and Anglicans will work together to give voice to our common faith in the Lord Jesus Christ,” say Pope Francis and Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, in Common Declaration.


Referendum in Colombia says ‘No’ to historic peace deal

Comboni missionary in Dublin, Fr Reuben Padilla Rocha, “disappointed but not surprised.”

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