Fr Greg Boyle, who is credited with having reduced gangland deaths in Los Angeles, joins President John F. Kennedy, Dorothy Day and Martin Sheen, as a recipient of Notre Dame’s Laetare Medal.
“I am standing on the altar where my dad celebrated his first Mass. There are not many sons who can say that,” says Anton Savage.
It is hoped that this will offer people the opportunity to engage with the new direction Pope Francis is taking and renewed hope for the life of the Church in Ireland – Fr Richard Gibbons, PP and Rector of Knock Shrine.
The large influx of pilgrims, the humble and simple prayer of God’s people, the fulfilment of so many graces and the natural beauty of these places allow you to see how the shrines express an irreplaceable opportunity for evangelisation.
We are mourning the loss of a very beloved brother. We trust that our brother, who has shared the cross of Christ, will now be able to enjoy his glorious resurrection – Cardinal Francisco Robles Ortega.
The book will trace the history of St Mary’s, from its foundation by the Church to provide teachers for the poor, to its current status as Britain’s premier Catholic university.
EU citizens living in the UK must not live in fear of not being allowed to stay, says spokesman for bishops of England and Wales.
Public opinion is divided on the issue, with 42 per cent in favour of scrapping the prayer, 42 per cent who want to retain it, and 16 per cent who “don't know”.
Pro Life Campaign criticises Council of Europe report which calls for legalisation of abortion.
The 2018 event will recall for society “how important the family is for the future of Ireland and of the wider society especially in Europe” – Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.
Many of these children have escaped war and conflict only to end up in camps many of them call ‘hell’, where they say they are made to feel more like animals than humans.
Cholera cases are increasing every day, because conditions in the camps are unhygienic, there is poor water supply, and people arrive already weak from hunger.
The Cardinal was among religious leaders from different traditions who gathered for a vigil on Friday for the victims of Wednesday’s attack in Westminster.
“It seems the male-dominated culture and religious mores are created by paedophiles to satisfy their sexual demands and desires. Such cultural and religious practices have to be outlawed and the laws implemented.”
“Today Rathlin is part of a world and of a society which, for all the achievements of modernity, is now searching for, indeed sometimes screaming for, ultimate meaning, purpose and hope.”
“Obviously the World Meeting of Families is going to involve a huge expenditure and an enormous investment by the Irish Church but it is an investment in our future and not just an event over five or six days in August 2018.”
Over the next 13 years, 28 of our 53 diocesan priests will reach the retirement age of 75 years. By the time children baptised this year reach Confirmation our diocese will be a very different place.
Our faith has a lot to say about the nihilism and despair of a throwaway culture that has driven young people to self-destruction. Our Church’s teachings would seriously question such a limited view of individual rights that would dispute the equality of life of a mother and her unborn baby.
The legacy of the Treaty of Rome is to continue the work begun by previous generations who courageously and prophetically sought to establish a better future for all – Bishop Noel Treanor.
Philomena’s search for her son Anthony, who was born in a mother and baby home in 1951, has touched millions of people in Ireland and around the world, both through the film and the book on which it was based.
Latest figures show women now account for 42 per cent of the number of adult homeless and this has increased from 34 per cent over the last two years alone.
“I believe in the kingdom to come, and I’ll go on till the end of time,” Fergus McCormack tells congregations in Kildare.
Former US President calls on people of Northern Ireland to finish the work of peace “so we can all have a future together”.
“These crosses come to us unbidden and unwanted as occasions for deep and anguished faith,” priest tells congregation at funeral of Ryan McBride.
Ireland and the Holy See have some different perspectives and at times will have “difficult conversations”, but will also have many fruitful conversations about shared values – Minister Flanagan.
The death of Martin McGuinness had “lifted the lid” on the past and revealed “how raw, how hurt, and how traumatised many people remain”. Archbishop Eamon Martin said that there is still a lot to be done in the peace process.
“We are reminded of the value of peace by the passing of Martin McGuinness, who threw away weapons of war for an embrace of peace and how we have all prospered as a result.”
The very significant levels of fear among those who have been abused because of their race have led to mental health problems, ongoing anxiety, depression, avoidance of public places and normal life, as well as loss of confidence and work and study opportunities.
Martin McGuinness “made an immense contribution to sustaining peace by reaching out a hand of friendship and reconciliation and being prepared to model alternatives to dispute and division” – Archbishop Eamon Martin.
“In a multicultural global society we are bound to have differences of appearance and dress and rather than creating a homogeneous look, it would be more beneficial if we created laws to co-exist.”