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Journeying together is already step towards unity

Ecumenism is not just doctrinal dialogue, but “a dynamic reality” including all dimensions of our witness to the world, “since we are becoming one while together on the way” – Dr Martin Robra, World Council of Churches.


Pro life agencies question BMJ abortion report

“It is ludicrous to treat research funded by the abortion industry as unbiased. It is like expecting honesty from Big Tobacco on the effects of smoking” – Life Institute.


Coptic Pope visits Ireland

Crucial value of human rights, including the freedom of religion and the rights of prisoners, on agenda as Pope Tawadros II meets Irish President.


Pope for audience with families with Huntington’s Disease

Around 750 people suffer with HD in Ireland and there are more than 3,000 at risk.


Call for action as more migrants die

It is reported that among the 20 feared dead, some were crushed by other people in the boat, while others drowned at sea. The victims include a child, women and some men – mostly from Nigeria, the Ivory Coast and reportedly from Bangladesh.


Devotees of Fr John Sullivan struck by relative’s uncanny resemblance to him

Church of Ireland Primate describes beatification as a “day of celebration and joy” in the context of the “unending need for reconciliation in Ireland”.


UK bishops urge Christians to fully participate in elections

Election “will determine how we can heal divisions in our society, care for the vulnerable, how our public services are run and whether we can remain a united kingdom” – Catholic Bishops of England and Wales.


Cardinal Dolan presides at Requiem Mass for Knock visionary

John Curry was “A man whose only quiet boast was that he was an altar boy from his childhood in Knock to his death at Sacred Heart home with the Little Sisters of the Poor – rarely if ever missing daily Mass – and Holy Communion.”


Jesuit joy as Fr Edward Cosgrove ordained

“Poverty in a priest still touches hearts, while ostentation always alienates.”


Pope Francis doubts Medjugorje messages

These presumed apparitions don’t have a lot of value. This I say as a personal opinion – Pope Francis.


Overflow of joy at Fr Sullivan beatification in Dublin

Faithful to the vow of poverty, he gave immediately to others every gift he received.


UK’s highest court to hear appeal by Christian bakery

A lower court last year ruled that the refusal of family-run Ashers to make a cake iced with the slogan ‘Support Gay Marriage’ in 2014 was discriminatory.


Ireland’s new Papal Nuncio is an African

One of his first tasks in Ireland will be the appointment of bishops, including appointments to several dioceses that have been vacant for some time.


Former minister pays tribute to late Kerry writer and priest

Jimmy Deenihan described Fr Pat Moore as a priest “in the truest sense of the vocation whose drive, vision and warmth transformed the life of the parishes he ministered in”.


Servant Sisters open new base in Ireland

New community in Roscommon will honour Sr Clare Crockett, who died in earthquake last year in Ecuador.


Huge excitement as Pope arrives in Fatima today

Pope will mark 100th anniversary of apparitions of Our Lady to shepherds of Fatima and canonise Francisco and Jacinta Marto.


Jesuit priest to be beatified in first for Ireland

Catholic and Anglican archbishop will together present the solemn petition asking for Fr John Sullivan SJ to be declared a ‘Blessed’.


Irish university students design refugee shelters

“We wanted a shelter that was solid but was also a nice home for people,” said Shane Fleming, one of the UCC students.


Nigerian schoolgirls freed by Boko Haram

The Nigerian government announced the release of the young women who were among 300 abducted from the high school in Chibok in April 2014. Ever since then a high profile campaign has been under way under the title ‘Bring Back Our Girls’.


Bishop Denis Nulty consults on vocations crisis

“At present, there are 90 priests ministering in our diocese; 27 of them are over 75. This stark figure reminds us that a radical reappraisal of what a parish community should be, how it should be organised, co-ordinated, funded and ministered, is necessary.”


A.K. Shalom Award presented to Irish missionary in Germany

State-sanctioned executions of people suspected of being drug users or dealers in the Philippines have reached a high of about 8,000 since 30 June 2016.


Archbishop Martin defends Church’s role in public discourse

“When we attempt as Church to speak in the public sphere about the right to life of the unborn, some are quick to point to the scandals and to shameful stories of the past.”


Death of Irish-born former nuncio to Rwanda, Ethiopia and New Zealand

As head of the diplomatic corps in Ethiopia at the time of the famine, Archbishop Thomas White was responsible for coordinating the contributions of many countries and charities in support of those who were starving.


Forty new Swiss Guardsmen join pontifical bodyguard

The swearing in ceremony always takes place on 6 May, the anniversary of the Sack of Rome in 1527, when 147 Swiss Guards were killed.


Stephen Fry in Irish blasphemy investigation

There is nothing especially new about Mr Fry’s remarks, given that they echo those made by the Greek philosopher Epicurus in the third century BC.


Make the 13th a date to pray for vocations

“Vocations are born in prayer and only in prayer can they persevere and bear fruit” – Pope Francis.


Archbishop O’Reilly tells students to follow in tradition of Nano Nagle

Wherever you go, you can follow in her footsteps by bringing light to the lives of our world, says Archbishop of Cashel & Emly Dr Kieran O’Reilly.


Pilgrims all set to fly from Knock to New York

The purpose of the pilgrimage is to have the remains of the youngest witness to the Knock apparition reinterred at Old St Patrick’s Cathedral, New York.


Former President of MIC awarded honorary degree

“Sr Bugler’s strong leadership, resourcefulness, ambition and diplomatic skills proved crucial in the delivery of Mary Immaculate College from a difficult situation and were instrumental in securing a future for the college.”


Dáil votes to retain prayer and 30-second period of reflection

Twenty-four European parliaments have no prayers in the plenary, while Ireland remains one of six where prayer or reflection is observed. The UK, Australia, South Africa, Canada and the US also retain a prayer.

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