We bring the presence of Jesus on to our streets to bring hope, to be a blessing and to build up communion: communion with Jesus Christ, a communion that then binds us together to build wider communion and community.
“Our volunteers are very reliable, which is essential when providing this necessary service. They help build friendly relationships between children and parents living in direct provision with members of the community. Our volunteers add to the good spirit and positive attitude to learning that is created in our homework club” – Jim Walsh, SVP.
Fr Mullaney has served as Registrar, Vice President and most recently Acting President of Saint Patrick’s College, and has also helped out as a curate in the parish of Holycross/Ballycahill at weekends.
The effort to achieve high quality standards was key to the successful delivery of the project and St Michael’s can only serve as a good practice model for the Society’s housing nationally.
Speaking about how his vocation grew, Liam O’Donovan, who will be ordained today, said “I began to pray; it surprised me what was inside me. Prayer gave me a sense of purpose and I realised that God has a sense of purpose for me.”
“I do not believe that a child can be reformed by lock and key and bars, or that fear can ever develop a child’s character.”
Since June 1967, the Israeli military has demolished more than 48,000 Palestinian homes and other structures such as schools, water purification facilities and electricity infrastructure. At the same time, Israel continues to allow illegal settlement construction on land on which Palestinians are forbidden from building.
The tour, which began in Belfast, will include visits to Derry, Tuam, Dublin, Knock and the archdiocese of Cashel and Emly.
The bishops offered prayers for those who have died, for the injured and for the emergency services who responded to the scene of the fire at Grenfell Tower in North Kensington, London.
In 2016 3,265 women travelled from Ireland to England to have an abortion, down from 3,451 in 2015 and 3,735 in 2014. This represents a continual decline in the numbers since 2001, when the number of Irish abortions was 6,673.
The United Nations Human Rights Committee “is behaving like the international wing of the Irish abortion lobby,” warns PLC spokesperson Cora Sherlock.
“The question which is agitating the world today is a social one. It is a struggle between those who have nothing and those who have too much. It is a violent clash of opulence and poverty which is shaking the ground under our feet.” – SVP founder Frederic Ozanam.
“From the poverty-stricken and colonial context of 18th century Ireland, Nano Nagle lit a flame for freedom through education, leaving us a legacy that continues to grow and expand into the complex world of the 21st century.”
Archbishop Eamon Martin worried that a return to borders, checkpoints and customs could “play into the hands of those who would exploit it”.
More than 2,000 extra pilgrims were at the Marian Shrine, following teenager’s claim that Our Lady would appear at 3 pm.
Remember what the Holy Spirit took from the disciples in the upper room: their fear and anxiety about the future – Bishop Denis Brennan at the ordination of Fr Billy Caulfied.
“He fulfilled everything possible that could be expected of one man or woman’s calling. A beautiful characteristic also was that, by all accounts, he was extremely modest, never seeking attention for, or boasting about, his very considerable achievements.”
The focus of this year’s novena will be on family life, with the theme ‘Home isn’t a Place, It’s You and Me’.
Fr Ignatius McCormack, who is also vocations director for the Killaloe diocese as well as administrator of Quin parish, said he was delighted with his new appointment.
Fr Alan McGuckian SJ will be Ireland’s first Jesuit bishop.
To counter terrorism, we must “keep reminding each other of high ideals and have the courage to speak of them and promote them”.
His work “leaves a real, positive, and enduring legacy for millions of people across the globe” – President Higgins.
“We affirm that a fitting tribute to the principles for which men and women from the Island of Ireland died in both World Wars would be permanent peace.”
“That sudden taking of life is always so terrible but it’s exactly what we bring to the Lord in our prayer in our churches” – Cardinal Vincent Nichols.
“People from abroad are often astonished at the level of antipathy to the Church displayed in our country.”
“As the world continues to urbanise, therefore, and as cities continue to grow into mega cities, it is clear that much of the drive towards reversing the consequences of climate change must come from cities, as well as the sustainability which must permeate farming and agriculture” – President Michael D. Higgins.
“You’ve got those who are sleeping on the streets and it is disgraceful. You’ve got families living in hotel rooms which is a shame on our city” – Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.
“I am grateful to the Supreme Court for reminding us, during these unsettled and cynical times, of what we must be about as a culture, namely, a society that both protects the person and allows his or her talents to flourish.”
Let ours be a time remembered for the awakening of a new reverence for life, the firm resolve to achieve sustainability, the quickening of the struggle for justice and peace – Pope Francis.
Prayer and reflection can change our driving behaviour, calm our aggression, and remind us to take care of our spiritual, moral and physical dimensions.