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Pakistan blasphemy case appeal postponed almost 70 times

Imran has protested his innocence and appealed the verdict. His lawyer said that the case against him has “substantial contradictions” in eyewitness statements about the date and time of the alleged incident.


Prayer to God and solidarity with the poor are inseparable, says pope

“Time devoted to prayer can never become an alibi for neglecting our neighbour in need,” says Pope Francis.


Israeli plans to annex Palestinian West Bank territory condemned

"Peace and safety can only be secured through negotiation rather than annexation," say UK Church leaders in response to Israeli expansion plan


No Irish seminarians to enter Irish College in Rome for first time in nearly 400 years

"The broad, global, and universal viewpoint offered by a Roman experience has been enriching for many down through the centuries," said the Irish Bishops' Conference


Irish Catholic bishops discuss Covid-19 and Confirmation

"In accordance with current public guidelines, bishops expect that the Sacrament of Confirmation will begin to be celebrated from late summer onwards," – Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference.


Racism is an Irish problem, say Irish bishops in wake of Black Lives Matter protests

"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." (Galatians 3:28).


Bishop McKeown delivers heart-warming homily at Funeral Mass of Bishop Lagan

Last Saturday, I was in his room in the hospital. His only concern was to talk about his funeral ceremony – and he wrote with his felt-tipped pen, ‘Keep the Mass simple.’ And music? ‘Simple.’ – Bishop Donal McKeown


Cardinal praises Gubay Foundation after £1 million donation to alleviate poverty

On behalf of so many, I wish to express heartfelt thanks to the Albert Gubay Charitable Foundation for this exceptional and magnificent donation to such important work – Cardinal Vincent Nichols.


Trócaire needs its boxes, says priest on “drive-thru” collection

Fr Thornton said that standing outside the church collecting Trócaire boxes from passing cars was not the most unusual thing that he has done in recent times, as with COVID-19 “unusual” is the new normal.


Second round of safeguarding reviews in dioceses has begun

NBSCCCI highlights the impact Data Protection Acts has had on National Board's ability to monitor safeguarding.


Bishops issue guidelines on returning to public worship

"No church should be opened for public prayer or worship until satisfactory arrangements, as indicated in this Framework, have been put in place.”


Death of Bishop Francis Lagan of Derry announced

Bishop Francis Lagan “understood the joys and struggles of his brother priests who often had to minister in the midst of great challenge, grief and community unrest”.


Moves to curb moneylending welcomed by SVP

The new regulation states that where a loan is for basic needs, like accommodation or electricity, moneylenders must inform the consumer that a moneylending loan may not be in their best interest and provide contact information for the Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS).


Ireland is far from exempt from racism warns Bishop Leahy

Church of Ireland parish of Kilternan urges people to ‘take the knee’ and pray for racial justice on Wednesday evening.


Younger people asked to help with transition back to full parish life

“We will need volunteers to assist with cleaning, stewarding, reading, ministering the Eucharist and other roles and responsibilities which some of our older members may be unable to fulfil at this time” - Archbishop Martin on Trinity Sunday.


Church of Ireland welcomes resumption of public worship

“Today’s decision gives us the opportunity to take up the threads of faithful living in very particular ways of worship in our communities once again,” said Archbishop Jackson.


Resumption of church, funeral and wedding services begins in Belfast

"There is no doubt that the greatest cross has been carried by those who have lost loved ones, as they have been unable to observe the rites and rituals associated with mourning," says Bishop Noel Treanor.


Sew be it: Masks 4 All Ireland volunteers help stop spread of COVID-19

“A massive thanks to Masks 4 All Ireland for supplying free washable masks for our front line Crosscare staff. They are great designs and great quality!” said Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin.


Scuffles and cheers greet Our Lady’s return to the heart of Prague

“With the renewal of this column, we symbolically subscribe to the spiritual values of Europe," said Jan Royt of the Marian Column Restoration Society.


Archbishops welcome the reopening of churches on June 29

I welcome this news and like other priests in Ireland I am greatly looking forward to celebrating public Mass and the sacraments soon with our congregations – Archbishop Eamon Martin, Primate of All Ireland.


Christian family of abducted girl (14) takes case to High Court

I am trying my very best for the case. Maira’s mother is so very sad – in fact she is a picture of sadness. You cannot imagine the shock of losing your daughter and losing all contact with her – lawyer Khalil Tahir Sandhu.


People experiencing domestic abuse during COVID-19 have a new support

Under Operation Faoisimh, An Garda Síochána has recorded a 25 per cent increase in reports of domestic abuse compared to the same period last year. Already, many refuges are at full capacity – Kelley Bermingham, Community Officer with Saint Patrick’s Cathedral.


Pope and church leaders speak out against racism and violence in US

“We cannot tolerate or turn a blind eye to racism and exclusion in any form and yet claim to defend the sacredness of every human life,” said Pope Francis.


Rosary priest film to be released in October

At a time when families have been huddled together, the film is a beacon of light to remind families that there is authentic power in family prayer, says Fr David Guffey.


NI Assembly passes motion rejecting abortion regulations

“Westminster cannot justifiably continue to try and impose abortion on Northern Ireland. It is clear from the 46:40 vote that this devolved issue should be decided by Northern Ireland’s elected representatives and not the UK parliament” - PLC.


Bishop McKeown speaks out about “moral pygmies”

“We will perhaps look back on these years, remembering not just COVID-19 but also a pandemic of banality that expects little for and from human beings.”


Once-in-a-century Lough Derg pilgrimage at home

Pilgrims are invited to take off their shoes and “do Lough Derg from afar”.


George Floyd’s killing is a sin that cries out to heaven for justice: US bishops

“We need to finally root out the racial injustice that still infects too many areas of American society,” Archbishop José H. Gomez, president of the USCCB warns.


Gabriel Award for Knock docudrama

"Our Lady’s appearance at Knock gave people a sense of hope. Ireland needs to hear that message again at a time when so many are under pressure, depressed, and fearful” - Campbell Miller, director of 'Hope'.


Pope warns many pandemics are infecting the world

In his Pentecost message for the 'Thy Kingdom Come' movement, the Pontiff expressed the desire that Christians would be more deeply united as “witnesses of mercy” for the human family in a world experiencing a “famine of hope.”

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