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Celtic Camino Festival in Westport next weekend

Speakers will include Camino guidebook author John Brierley, who will be focusing on how the Camino can be “a path of awakening, an inner-journey of self-discovery”.


Reject the economy of exclusion

The Papal Prayer Intention for April is that economists may have the courage to reject any economy of exclusion and know how to open new paths.


Fr Joseph Mallin SJ, the last surviving child of a 1916 leader, has died

In his last letter before being executed in Kilmainham Gaol, Cmdt Michael Mallin wrote: “Joseph, my little man, be a priest, if you can.”


People of faith – key in referendum on 8th Amendment

Cross-denominational response to the 8th amendment looks at life issue from a specifically Christian perspective.


Belfast Agreement in focus at Focolare weekend

BBC journalist, Brian Rowan will address annual all-Ireland weekend in Belfast.


Deacons ordained in Rome

Bishop McGuckian reminded the two candidates of Mary Magdala’s capacity to follow the Lord even when it seemed as though all was lost. The Bishop urged the two new deacons to live a lifelong commitment to diaconal service especially after ordination as priests.


Church leaders pay tribute following the death of Winnie Mandela

For over 50 years Winnie Mandela was “a major figure in the struggle for a free and democratic South Africa


Raise tax to fund fair and equal society – SJI report

The Irish Government needs to increase the tax by €3 billion to fund a fair and equal society. The money can be raised from measures such as a minimum effective corporate tax rate of 10%, a financial transactions tax, eco-taxes, and increasing the minimum effective tax rates on high earners.


Life of faith in a post-Hawking era is not easy: CofI Primate

“People of faith cannot escape, nor should we want to escape, the expansion of perspective on the cosmos that he has given us."


Irish missionary receives Health Education Award

Sr Bernadette Nealon uses WiRED’s health education programmes to train community health workers, who, in turn, train community members in home-based care for the bed-ridden and also trains people who are caring for children at home.


Four deacons ordained on Easter Monday

Two transitional deacons ordained by Bishop Denis Nulty for Irish Dominicans while Bishop Brendan Kelly ordains the diocese of Achonry's first two permanent deacons.


The Risen Lord is among us, says Diarmuid Martin

Jesus is risen and is with us and He helps us to be people of life and light in a time marked by many dimensions of darkness.


Pope prays for Peace on Easter Sunday

We Christians believe and know that Christ’s resurrection is the true hope of the world, the hope that does not disappoint.


Spiritual Tourism a new way to reach out

Spiritual tourism is a growing concept and one that was explored recently by the Spirituality Institute for Research and Education


Rally for Life goes nationwide in Easter Week

Love Both appeals to people to Stand up for Life at rallies in the coming week in Donegal, Athlone, Galway, Limerick and Cork.


Homelessness crisis in Ireland is an outrage and a shame, says SVP

A record 9,104 people were homeless in January this year of which more than 3,000 were children


Care for environment a focus at Elphin diocesan picnic

Bishop Kevin Doran extends special invitation to families of "other religious traditions and of none". At Chrism Mass he stresses encouragement, healing and responsibility of diocesan family.


Way of the Cross provides rare public manifestation of faith

Around 1,000 people are expected to join Archbishop Martin today in Dublin's Phoenix Park to relive Christ’s passion -weather permitting


Referendum set for 25th May

“Whatever your views are on the proposals in the referendum, can I take this opportunity to encourage voters to go to their polling station during this 15 hour period on 25th May and have your say in the outcome of the referendum,” Minister Eoghan Murphy


More action needed to protect victims of prostitution and trafficking

While implementing the law is a good first step, wider Irish society needs to know that it is now illegal to buy sexual access to another person


Ireland’s young adults still remarkably religious

54% of Irish young people identify themselves as Catholic of which almost half attend a service once a week or more


Proposed abortion law is in no way restrictive: Iona Institute

“In the first 12 weeks of pregnancy no medical reason for abortion whatsoever need be offered. Perfectly healthy women will be aborting perfectly healthy babies. How is this ‘healthcare’?" - Maria Steen.


Bishop notes people’s value and appreciation of their priests

“As a diocese, as a faith family, we have so much this Chrism Night to give thanks for; our priests and the witness they give, sometimes at a cost to their own health and mental well-being” - Bishop Denis Nulty.


President Higgins pays tribute to OLA and SMA missionaries

“You have been wonderful ambassadors for Ireland and for your faith. By your actions you have humbled us, and by your words you now draw the attention of our country to climate justice.”


Bishop Philip Boyce OCD appointed Apostolic Administrator of Dromore

Bishop Philip Boyce OCD will oversee the pastoral needs of the faithful of the diocese and will begin his residency on Holy Thursday with the celebration of the Mass of Chrism and for the Easter ceremonies.


Tango very much! Dance event raises €50k for SVP

They put on a truly incredible show and amazed everyone with what can be achieved after only ten weeks of lessons – Tony Rock.


The Papal visit will strengthen, comfort and challenge us

Pope Francis comes to challenge us all to be with those families that struggle and fail, says Archbishop Diarmuid Martin in Palm Sunday homily.


All Masses in Belfast parish signed for the deaf

Through all Masses being signed, people who are deaf or hearing impaired can participate fully in the Mass.


Respectful debate on this issue is a threat to no-one, and indeed should be encouraged.

CI News welcomes Ciara Ferry, who will be sharing her thoughts each Sunday, on issues raised in the previous week by the forthcoming referendum


The world is “watching and praying with Ireland”

Two US bishops encouraging Catholics in their dioceses to pray that Ireland may remain abortion free.

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