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SVP and Salvation Army hope “Stuff A Bus” will bring a Christmas three-bell load

“The effects of poverty don’t stop just because it’s Christmas – they endure throughout the year.” 


Pro life agency tells celebrities pushing abortion to “butt out”

Celebrities have no “superior standing or moral authority” says Precious Life.


Pray for politicians with big hearts, says bishop

Weigh your words carefully to respect the integrity of those who conscientiously differ from you, and speak with grace, warn church leaders in joint statement on Brexit.


Irish Farmers Association visits Africa

Self Help Africa was created in the wake of the Ethiopian Famine of 1984/5 to create long-term solutions to hunger and extreme poverty in the region. The IFA supported one of its first actions – the shipment and distribution of 2,000 tonnes of Cara Donegal seed potatoes to famine affected communities in Ethiopia.


Pope shares wisdom of global and Irish elderly in new book

It is Pope Francis’s hope that the book will create inter-generational dialogue and he asks young and old to join forces for the betterment of the world.


Pioneers seek writers for competition

The theme of the story should appeal to the readership of Pioneer magazine. “It should be appropriate for a family magazine. We are looking for a nice, simple story that would appeal to a lot of people,” said Roisin Fulham, assistant editor, Pioneer magazine.


Buildings start turning red in solidarity with persecuted Christians

Rialto Bridge and waters of the Grand Canal in Venice bathed in crimson to draw attention to the discrimination that Christians like Asia Bibi suffer in many parts of the world.


ACP appeals to bishops to dialogue over crisis in Irish Church

“This is not a time for wringing our hands in frustration or for sitting on our hands in despair. We need to talk. We need to work together. We need to stop deferring decisions that need to be made now.”


Special focus on the family for 2018 Advent Calendar

An opportunity to “reflect on the visit of Pope Francis to Ireland last August when he invited us to welcome Christ in the bits and pieces, the ordinary moments of everyday life” – Archbishop Eamon Martin.


YOUth Summit brings together Generation2030 Activists to work for sustainable goals

The summit is part of One World Week, a week of youth-led awareness-raising, education and action that takes place throughout Ireland during the third week in November every year.


Pope marks World Day of the Poor by sharing his lunch

The lunch included lasagne, chicken pieces and mashed potato, with tiramisu for dessert.


Pope urges Christians: Get involved personally with the poor

“We are so trapped in a culture that induces us to look in the mirror and pamper ourselves, that we think that an altruistic gesture is enough, without the need to get directly involved.”


Family comes first for new Christmas stamps

An Post held an online survey earlier this year to find out what Irish people wanted to see on the annual Christmas stamp collection.


Lead us not into temptation?

Italian bishops introduce new translation of line from the Lord's Prayer, but Irish bishops have no immediate plans to change the wording.


St Laurence O’Toole: 900-year-old lessons for our time

The 12th century Irish saint was heavily involved in the events of his time – but he still found time to go on an annual 40-day prayer retreat.


There is only ‘us’ – revealing this truth is the work of reconciliation

Irish experience of reconciliation in focus at Swedish ecumenical conference addressed by Catholic and Church of Ireland bishops.


‘Prosperous Crozier’ goes on public display at National Museum

“It is a reminder of our rich Christian heritage, providing a wonderful link to life in the Irish Church over a millennium ago,” says Jesuit.


SVP launches Annual Appeal

SVP said that 6 weeks ahead of Christmas it is already receiving an average of 1000 calls for help to offices around the country every day.


President marks 25th anniversary of unveiling of Caravaggio painting at the National Gallery of Ireland

“This rediscovered masterpiece has a special place in the gallery and we remain indebted to the Irish Jesuit community for their continued generosity in making the work available on loan” – Sean Rainbird, Director of the National Gallery of Ireland.


UK Cardinal backs anti-trafficking conference in Nigeria

Organised by the Santa Marta Group (preventing human trafficking and modern slavery), the conference has as its theme ‘Church and state working together to restore dignity to trafficked persons’.


Prayer vigil today at Pakistan’s Dublin Embassy for Asia Bibi

The Church in Chains group has organised the vigil to highlight the “dreadful injustice” to Asia Bibi who is “still effectively a prisoner”, and that her life and that of her family are “in grave danger”.


Nuns’ side of the story must be told

Bishop Denis Nulty publicly acknowledges and recognises contribution of Mercy Sisters and religious generally to Irish life and culture, and to life and culture far beyond Irish shores.


Archbishop pays tribute to Dublin priests’ 1000 years of ministry

“Social media are powerful instruments yet paradoxically they can sadly become a trap for fruitless and at times even nasty internal Church polemics.”


Royal Irish Academy to host lecture on St Columbanus and the making of modern Europe

Columbanus, born c.550 on the Carlow/Wexford border, is the best known of the many Irish missionaries who re-evangelised Europe during the Middle Ages.


“To remember the dead is important to the practice of our faith.”

Can we learn from their shared sacrifice, a full century after the so-called “war to end all wars’? asks Archbishop Eamon Martin in an interfaith service in Belfast.


Tribute to Emma Mhic Mhathúna at Maynooth graduation

Archbishop Martin describes 37-year-old mother of five as a “woman of deep faith” who made "a deep impression right across the country”.


Media conference to focus on award winning documentaries

The conference will feature master classes by John Sweeney of the BBC, Carlo Bonini of La Repubblica, independent filmmaker Sinead O'Shea and Amy Molloy from Independent.ie.


Catholic primate to address Remembrance Sunday service in Belfast

The vast majority of the 300,000 men from this island who served in the “war to end all wars” were Catholics, as were the majority of the more than 49,000 Irishmen who died in the conflict.


No price lists for sacraments, warns Pope

“Celebrations must be beautiful, not worldly, because worldliness depends on the god of money, which is idolatry.”


New resting place for the heart of St Laurence O’Toole

Archbishop Michael Jackson to bless and dedicate relic of Dublin’s patron Saint at a service of Festal Choral Evensong in Christ Church Cathedral on 14 November.

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