“Today, the urgency of vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and lay ministry and the question of self-care for priests are ones that must be addressed in a meaningful way" - Bishop Larry Duffy.
Cavan parish priest offered "moral leadership in a difficult time” through his homily following the kidnapping and assault on Kevin Lunney, a director of Quinn Industrial Holdings.
Through the awards, young people are able to take an active part in the life of their Church and become more aware of the teaching and role of the Catholic Church in the world.
The Mass for the feast of St Laurence O’Toole was “a sign of the continuity of the mission of the Church and the way that the message of Jesus shows its relevance from one generation to the next”, said Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.
“I encourage you to seek, in every poor person whom you encounter, his or her true needs, not to stop at their most obvious material needs, but to discover their inner goodness,” Pope Francis told the faithful.
"The statues will serve as an ongoing reminder to pray for all of those who fell in the Falklands War, while also giving us a symbol of unity in faith and an aid to our prayers for peace," says the UK's Bishop of the Forces, Paul Mason.
Trócaire well project has changed our lives, says Malawi village leader Fastino Kimwendo.
Spiritual Batteries is designed to be welcoming. There's no pressure, no follow ups, it's easy to invite your friends too, whether they have some faith or none - Edward Barrett-Shortt.
Sr Pat Murray is a Loreto nun from Dublin and is currently Secretary of the International Union of Superiors General (UISG), a Rome-based worldwide organization of Superiors General of Institutes of Catholic Women Religious.
Last weekend about 175 women attended the Shine Retreat, and – unsurprisingly – there are only 20 tickets left for the 2-day retreat Blessed Is She.
These groupings will permit our individual parishes to become stronger, more alive, and be in a position to offer an even greater level of service in their communities – Bishop Farrell.
“Bereavement touches us all and the service is a very special way for families to remember together,” state the organisers.
Climate change is the most pressing issue facing us all as a global community – President Michael D Higgins at the Cork Conference on Intergenerational Climate Justice.
The recent instruction from the HSE obligating medical staff to inform pregnant women about the limitations of foetal anomaly tests has regrettably come too late for at least one baby – Eilís Mulroy.
Just ten minutes a day of reading with children of all ages can help create readers for life and make a crucial difference to their future.
I was one of those people who was middle of the road. I didn’t really know what happened during an abortion procedure. When Abby described it I just thought how blinded I had been – Ashley Bratcher.
We will provide the opportunity for the faithful to gather as a community and pray not only for persecuted Christians – but also for the persecutors of Christians (ACN Ireland).
“The cynical disregard of truth, the deliberate manipulation of information, has become endemic at the highest levels and has proved corrosive and destructive of our society,” said Canon David Oxley.
There are now very serious concerns about the consequences to the viability of Bord na Móna as an iconic Irish company, says Bishop Francis Duffy
"Last year alone more than 50,000 gifts were distributed to families in need locally," said Major Paul Kingscott, the Salvation Army’s divisional leader.
"Maynooth’s potential for encounter and exchange is unique: three partner institutions, side by side on this historic campus, perfectly situated in one of most attractive towns in this country - the possibilities for study, research, community building and dialogue are endless."
Former president says she stated that she was not talking about the sex act but by analogy using the passage to describe the position and role of women in the Church.
At the funeral Mass in Dublin's Pro Cathedral, the principal celebrant, Fr Leonard Maloney SJ revealed that the much-loved broadcaster was often seen at weekday or Sunday Mass even in the latter stages of his cancer.
Loreto Rumbek, which was founded by Irish nuns to address the lack of educational opportunities for girls in South Sudan, opened in 2008 with just 35 students and now has over 291 students, 90% of whom go on to university.
Celebrating the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Muire na Trócaire company of Girls Guides, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin appealed to young Guides not to be afraid to stand up against intolerance and disregard for those who are different.
The research allows the Peter McVerry Trust to move beyond anecdotal reports from young men who use homeless services about how they fared in the education system and it will help influence the future education strategies of the State.
“It was his sense of fairness and decency that resulted in him being called upon, together with Fr Gerry Reynolds and Fr Alex Reid, to help in bringing about the negotiations that led to the IRA ceasefire,” said President Higgins.
Campaign will encourage Catholic parish communities to consider those children who are vulnerable and marginalised, and specifically the critical need for children in care to find adoptive and foster parents.
Christians in Iraq, who numbered 1.5 million before 2003, have declined by 90 per cent within a generation.
Archbishop Eamon Martin described Gay Byrne as a gifted and groundbreaking broadcaster who will be remembered and quoted for generations.