Bishop Treanor said that while he was always wary of drawing over simplified conclusions, religions and churches had a role in promoting peace and understanding in Northern Ireland in the recent past and in particular during the past year when the political institutions were not functioning there.
Prince William honoured Fr D’Arcy for services to cross-community relations in Northern Ireland at the ceremony at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday 14th January 2020. The New Year Honours list recognises the achievements of a wide range of people in the world of the arts and show business, sports, business and charitable, public service and community work across the United Kingdom.
Sr Hilary Lyons received an Honorary Fellowship of the Faculty of Public Health from the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland in 2016 in recognition of her work as a physician, paediatrician, surgeon and obstetrician in Sierra Leone for 42 years.
“Over the coming years, we will continue to advocate to ensure that measures to tackle poverty are a key priority” – SVP.
Two separate churches vandalised in the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin over the weekend.
Commenting on the retired pope’s new book, Dr Austin Ivereigh, Vatican expert and biographer of Pope Francis said, “It’s a totally imprudent and ill thought-out intervention which has the effect of undermining Francis’s authority.”
“Why are you here? In the short gift of a lifespan you must grasp every opportunity to do things for the good of all,” said Archbishop Robin Eames, remembering his colleague.
“Fr John Fingleton did an awful lot of work. To me he is a saint,” said Independent Cllr Ben Brennan, who first proposed the road renaming.
"To be a priest, you need to spend seven years in the seminary, so what about being a husband, a wife, a mother or a father? Just twenty hours?” commented the Bishop of Bilbao.
"Expressions of solidarity are important, but they are not enough," says Archbishop of Brisbane in the face of unprecedented disaster.
The bishops are determined to go to Gaza to help remind the small Christian community that they are not forgotten as Christians.
Today provides an opportunity for a new start for Northern Ireland’s political institutions and one that can also offer fresh hope, say the leaders of Ireland’s four main Churches.
Essential requirements for the role(s) available include relevant qualification or experience in catechetics, religious education, theology, leadership, pastoral care or youth ministry.
“Western nations are not doing enough. They have shown that the resources of Africa are more important than the ordinary people," Bishop Kukah.
“The next homeless person we meet, we might treat them with a little more sympathy and kindness. For whatever we do to the least of our sisters and brothers, we do it to Jesus” – Fr Howard.
“The idea of celebrating and commemorating the Black and Tans is demonstrative of how out of touch this government is with the grass roots of Irish Citizens” – Fr Paddy Byrne.
“We share the Garda Commissioner’s view ... that the existing legislation around harassment is sufficient and we believe that an introduction of ‘exclusion zones’ would be unconstitutional and undemocratic,” says spokesperson.
Mgr Ciaran O’Carroll, rector of the Irish College in Rome and a first cousin of the esteemed broadcaster, admitted to mourners in St Brigid’s Church, Kill, Co Kildare that the news of her death “came as a dreadful shock”.
According to information gathered by Agenzia Fides, 29 missionaries were killed throughout the world including 18 priests, 1 permanent deacon, 2 religious men, 2 nuns and 6 laypeople.
“There have been a number of smaller incidents of vandalism of graves in that cemetery over recent months but we have never seen anything on the scale of damage that we witnessed last Friday morning" - Cork City Council.
Some of those involved in his “withdrawal” have been “shown up to be a lot less white than they presented themselves, and some of them have become more oppositional, even ‘heretical’, than I or my censored colleagues in the Irish Church ever were”.
“I call upon all parties to fan the flame of dialogue and self-control – and to banish the shadow of enmity,” said Pope Francis.
“It became clear that the line in the sand had turned into a canyon. This protocol graciously allows us to continue to live out the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world, albeit in different expressions,” says Methodist Bishop Thomas Bickerton.
"As Catholics we are unapologetically pro life and are proud and honoured to stand up for the voiceless," said the Tullamore Parish Facebook post that prompted an apology.
“Nursing and Midwifery embodies the best of human endeavours, positively contributing to the health and well-being of so many lives," says European Federation of Nurses Associations President, Elizabeth Adams.
“Today there are thousands of children and young adults who are alive because of their [Marian and her husband, John's] work," Melanie Verwoerd, former South African Ambassador to Ireland.
The winner of this year’s car is Eoin Duggan from Ballincollig, with runners-up from around County Cork receiving cash prizes from €500-€1,500.
"These baptized are martyrs. They have not betrayed the Gospel," - Cardinal Sarah.
“Love makes us patient,” says Pope. “So many times we lose patience, even me, and I apologise for yesterday’s bad example.”
The main event will be on Thursday 15 January at 7.30 p.m. in Merrion Road Church, Blackrock, Dublin.