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Prayers for “brave and selfless health workers” on St Patrick’s Day

The Covid19 crisis, Archbishop Eamon Martin has said, is “a time for an outpouring of the works of mercy towards the sick and vulnerable, and for a spirit of generosity and self-sacrifice, compassion and charity in Ireland, and across the world”.


Pandemic creates unprecedented demand for ChurchServices.TV

In ‘normal conditions’, the CSTV website usually has about two million visitors a month, but this weekend the audience for online Parish TV more than trebled, said Church Support Group CEO Tony Bolger.


Bells to be rung on St Patrick’s Day to express social solidarity

Archbishop Eamon Martin supports Bishop Phonsie Cullinan’s initiative which aims to encourage people to care for one other "at this difficult time.”


Primate’s St Patrick’s Day prayer in pandemic : ‘Dia idir sin agus an olc’

"When we ask God for his protection, like St Patrick did, we are asking for serenity and peace of mind," says Archbishop Eamon Martin amid rising anxiety about coronavirus spread.


Catholic primate calls for Northern Irish school closures, but DUP says ‘No’.

"It is important to give very strong consideration to the closure of all schools in the very near future. We need to fight this virus together," said Archbishop Eamon Martin.


Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan: “God will not abandon His people”

While many are tempted to fear, people of faith can use this crisis to pray and strengthen their relationship with God – Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan.


“Isolation alone will bring challenges” Bishop Leahy warns

Cancellation of Masses and directives on funerals are necessary as the Church puts its shoulder behind the national effort to protect the elderly and those with underlying health conditions.


Irish bishops’ general meeting: from coronavirus to synodality

Irish bishops welcomed the recent announcement by Pope Francis that the theme of the synod in October 2022 will be “For a synodal Church: communion, participation, and mission”.


Irish Catholic bishops release new liturgical guidelines on coronavirus

Jesus calls on us, his followers, to serve the common good by taking responsibility for each other and to prioritise the most vulnerable in our community ahead of our own individual wants and aspirations – Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference.


RTÉ religious programme wins American award

Episodes of the winning series and other religious programmes may be repeated in the next few months if religious services are cancelled because of Covid-19.


Bishop John McDowell elected as new Church of Ireland Primate

Catholic Church leaders welcome the House of Bishops' selection of the Bishop of Clogher as Archbishop Richard Clarke's successor.


Prisoners find inspiration in new Lenten guide

‘Return to Me with All your Heart’ by Gerard Gallagher is a practical guide to Lent, containing scripture readings, inspirational quotations and a challenge to readers to effect change in their day-to-day lives.


Jesuit missionary features on St Patrick’s Day stamps

An Post stated that the stamp was in recognition of Fr Micheal’s 65 years of Jesuit ministry in Zambia, where he reached into the hearts of people through education and HIV/AIDS-advocacy.


Top Vatican Cardinal’s visit to Ireland cancelled over Covid-19 crisis

Senator calls for greater attention to containment measures aimed at older and vulnerable members of the community.


State of emergency in Bethlehem to curtail coronavirus

The Church of the Nativity and other places of worship in Bethlehem are shut, all tourism and religious sites across the West Bank are closed and all tourists banned from the West Bank for an unspecified period.


New documentary film on the life of St Patrick

Docudrama about Ireland’s patron saint will be streaming on Netflix in Ireland and the UK from Thursday, 12 March.


Church pews sit empty in Northern Italy as religious services banned to halt virus spread

“Live this difficult moment with the strength of the faith, the certainty of hope and the ardour of charity,” said the pope in a message to all those affected by the coronavirus outbreak.


Caritas boss and Vatican high-flyer Cardinal Tagle to address the Young Church Dublin tomorrow

Cardinal Tagle has been a strong critic of the Filipino government's 'war on drugs', which has left more than 22,000 people dead. Two years ago, the Filipino president Rodrigo Duterte called for the Catholic bishops who criticised him to be killed.


No bones about it: Archaeologists convinced remains are those of Britain’s first abbess

"It is remarkable that we can place Folkestone’s patron saint in the very church that bears her name," says Dr Andrew Richardson of the Finding Eanswythe Project.


Popular pro-life film can now be streamed on app

The people of Ireland have a right to know the truth about abortion and the multi-billion dollar abortion industry – co-directors Cary Solomon and Chuck Konzelman.


Armagh launches new drive for vocations to priesthood

"People regularly make vocational inquiries to our office and we look forward with hope to the future of the diocesan priesthood in Ireland” - Fr Willie Purcell.


Gibraltar to vote on abortion this month

We are confident that on 19 March, when considering what kind of future they want for Gibraltar, voters will consider the unborn baby and mothers and vote NO – James Brenig, spokesperson for the Gibraltar Pro-Life Movement.


Vatican promotes subsidiarity and solidarity for persons with rare diseases

There are over 300 million people in the world suffering from over 6000 identified rare diseases – European Organisation for Rare Diseases (EURORDIS).


Pope Francis announces Laudato Si’ Week

“What kind of world do we want to leave to those who will come after us, to children who are growing up?" the Pontiff asks in a video message.


Advocate of keeping sex until after marriage to visit Ireland

Rob Kowalski, who advocates abstaining from sex until after marriage, is to tour Ireland during Easter.


Baths in Lourdes shut over Coronavirus

French shrine says its first concern will always be the safety and health of its pilgrims and its working community.


Clonmel students celebrate JPII Award

Students set about equipping their local church with a camera to film and livestream via the internet, making the local Mass available far and wide.


Accuracy of Irish homeless stats questioned

The January homeless figures were back up to 10,271 after a one-month dip in December 2019.


‘Lent is a time of ecological conversion’

Bishop Leahy says that by focusing on Lent in terms of ecological conversion, we are taking steps that benefit not just ourselves and society but we are building up our community for the future.


End “unfair” two-child cap on welfare payments, say bishops to UK Chancellor

“Catholic charities have first-hand experience of how the limit can put essentials such as food, rent and utility bills beyond reach, with devastating consequences,” says Bishop Moth.

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