Every Thursday at 7 o’clock, a bishop will celebrate Mass in one of the cathedrals for the care workers. We will begin here in Westminster Cathedral – Cardinal Nichols.
Bishop Leahy will be reciting the Rosary in Mount Saint Alphonsus Church, Limerick, today at 8 p.m., which will stream on novena.ie.
Extending an invitation to young men to reflect on whether God may be calling them to follow him as a priest, Archbishop Michael Neary also encouraged the People of God to pray that the Lord will inspire young men to hear and answer his call.
“Thanks to this digital technology many of us have been helped to remain in ‘spiritual communion’ with Christ and with one another,” said Archbishop Eamon Martin.
People are invited to fast and pray to ask God to free us from this pandemic, to support those who are fighting it, and to comfort those who have been afflicted, says Bishop Donal McKeown.
"Surely the most remarkable and influential cultural and sporting organisation in Ireland today” - Archbishop John McDowell.
During COVID-19 restrictions it is very timely to talk about vocations in a time of great silence and solitude, and when people have more time to reflect on their lives and where their lives are going – Fr Willie Purcell
It has been RTÉ's privilege to say to the cocooning elderly, hospitalised and imprisoned: We’re with you in spirit - Roger Childs.
“The Eucharist is not meant to be shared with no one. It’s meant to be shared with everyone present. But we do it online and you are most welcome to join us, wherever you are,” said parish priest of Knock, Fr Richard Gibbons.
“Mary, Consolation of the afflicted, embrace all your children in distress and pray that God will stretch out his all-powerful hand and free us from this terrible pandemic, so that life can serenely resume its normal course,” prays Pope Francis.
It was humbling to visit Simon Armagh to offer our support and to speak and pray with the residents and staff, says Archbishop Martin.
"Vulnerable women in unsatisfactory domestic circumstances are particularly at risk," says Bishop Hugh Gilbert OSB.
"The virtual pilgrimage will give us an opportunity to pray through the intercession of Our Lady of Knock for all our intentions. Please God, we will be in a position to visit Knock again in person in the not too distant future," said Archbishop Martin.
I am very encouraged that global use of the death penalty has decreased for another year. However, hundreds of people are still being executed by their governments and in some countries, the number has increased dramatically – Bishop Declan Lang.
85 per cent think we will value family more after this, 75 per cent say we will value the elderly more, and 31 per cent think society will become more spiritual – Brendan Conroy of The Iona Institute.
Accord’s Relationship Support Phone Line is open 9.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. Monday to Friday.
The physical and mental well-being of ‘cocooned’ people is now emerging as a key concern, says Deirdre Garvey, CEO, The Wheel.
"We urge you to take steps to formulate new regulations that will reflect more fully the will of a significant majority of the people in this jurisdiction to protect the lives of mothers and their unborn children.”
“People are able to connect with Knock ... There is a lot of loneliness and isolation and you really get the sense that Knock is something that they are able to hold onto,” said Maria Casey.
Sunday Mass to be broadcast on RTÉ News Now when a Protestant service is being broadcast on RTÉ One and RTÉ Radio 1 Extra and vice versa.
“Churches may be closed and the celebration of sacraments postponed but the Church is not closed. It is very much alive” - Dr Brendan Leahy.
The presenter’s comment was neither balanced nor objective, and people’s beliefs for or against IVF should not have been dismissed in such a manner, according to the complainant.
“We are at a Kairos, a turning point, a time of opportunity,” said Archbishop Eamon Martin on Divine Mercy Sunday.
"Please continue to pray for all of us and especially for the patients and their families and all staff at the front line," says hospital chaplain Fr Damien O'Reilly.
Thee vast majority of people on this island are working together, in a way that has perhaps never been seen before, says the leaders of Ireland's four main Churches.
Digital outreach ramps up while in-person gatherings for prayer and fellowship remain suspended – FOCUS.
"I would not like to be celebrating Mass on my own and I have never had to do it in my 45 years as a priest," says Meath parish priest.
Students for Life of America are hosting a free online screening of Unplanned and have a free discussion guide to start a conversation with family and friends afterwards.
Every life matters. Every life counts. Every life is precious irrespective of age or potential productivity – Bishop Denis Nulty.
“The idea was to give people a lift as time went on. That becomes more and more important as people are beginning to feel cabin fever,” said Rathdowney parish priest Fr Martin Delaney.