Over the coming year the diocese will see Sean Jones ordained a priest - exactly ten years since the last priestly ordination in Kerry.
SJI warns that 18 percent of adults living in poverty in Ireland are employed - the “working poor”.
"Missionaries have always had the unique foresight and commitment to target the world’s most difficult challenges" - Heydi Foster, CEO of Misean Cara.
At Battle of the Somme service, Bishop Colton urges people to champion an outlook that builds bridges, includes rather than excludes, welcomes rather than alienates, and fosters reconciliation, justice and peace.
“These walls are made of fear and aggression, a failure to understand people of different backgrounds or faith. They are walls of political and economic selfishness, without respect for the life and dignity of every person.”
Fr Dan Fitzgerald returned home to Nenagh in 1989 after serving in the Philippines during World War II and later in the diocese of Hanyang in China.
Prayers offered at Masses in the Diocese of Kerry for world peace and for people everywhere who serve in the army of their country.
Faith communities have a vital role to play bringing about the transformative change Pope Francis calls for in Laudato Si.
"In new and unfamiliar countries the Irish pub, GAA club, provide a kind of home from home, a familiar place to gather, but so too the Church can provide a sense of home from home.”
Rector of Holy Cross Church in Belfast, Fr Gary Donegan, has revealed that his great grand-uncle fought with an Irish Regiment at the Somme and was later decorated for his courage.
One Day More says politicians pushing to extend abortion law do not represent them. "Many of our members say that they received little or no support when they were given their diagnosis."
Fr John Adeyi's decomposing body was found on 23 June in Benue State. The vicar general of St Bernard's Catholic Diocese of Otukpa was seized by armed men on 24 April.
“In our age of flattened earth, narrowed horizons, conformity to a shallow consumerism and superficial variety that masks a deeper conformity, the role of the Church is to be the Church."
Against background of Brexit, Together for Europe gathering in Munich is a prophetic sign. "We need to keep the ideals of the founders of the EU alive."
What is of particular concern is the rising number of committals of women to prison - the figure has doubled in the past five years.
Expanded child safeguarding guidance incorporates two new standards on caring for and managing the complainant of abuse and the respondent.
“With VAT added, domestic customers are effectively paying a tax on a tax. In the interest of social justice and fairness, we urge a review of the PSO application for low income and struggling energy customers.”
“In keeping with the message of St Pope John Paul II, these young people are answering the call of Jesus to be the hope for the future.”
“More than in the Vatican Gardens, with their beauty, your goodness is the place where I dwell: I feel protected” Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI tells Pope Francis.
“I hope we can rediscover something of our great Celtic tradition of walking, with eyes and ears open for the God who is never far from us, greeting strangers, being welcomed by parish communities.”
Peter McVerry Trust believes the Government must still bring forward legislation to link rents to the Consumer Price Index before the year end.
"Make sure that the sacrifice of celibacy is matched with simplicity of life-style. A pampered celibacy is a counter-sign of Christ’s call.”
COMECE president says the decision of the British electorate confronts the European Union and its Member States with questions about their goals and their tasks.
301 women were assisted by the NGO according to the 2015 Annual Report including 94 victims of sex trafficking, an increase of six over the previous year (88 in 2014).
"May God preserve the memory of the Armenian people. Memories should not be watered down or forgotten; memory is a source of peace and of the future."
“She paid a high price and her family and friends suffered an unimaginable loss. Her integrity gives her still today a noble place our recent history.”
Parishioners of Moycarkey-Borris parish pay tribute to Fr Paudie Moloughney SPS with an 8km 'The Circle of Life Walk'.
“The Augustinian community are facing it head on with a discussion meeting and then forming a committee to see what the future holds for them and how best to move forward.”
The award was made to Sr Hilary, a member of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary, for her contribution to health services in Sierra Leone over 42 years.
Caller to RTE's Liveline programme enlists the help of the popular saint to progress Irish soccer hopes.