TV3 already planning to show the epic drama series again next Christmas.
Cardinal Brady discusses fraternity and the impasse in NI talks in New Year's homily.
Children of wars among the largest group of victims in 2013.
Bishop Treanor warns of “disengagement" by many in churches from work of reconciliation.
Nominated for his commitment to dialogue between people of all backgrounds, beliefs, and faiths.
Spending madly in the sales will give some satisfaction but leaves you empty - Archbishop.
Parish must always offer a place of welcome for those who no longer find themselves in stable or conventional family situations.
The elderly may be "hidden exiles" who are marginalised and treated as burdens within their own families.
From January, Roman parishes to apply to attend Pope’s daily Mass at Casa Santa Marta.
Hundreds of people alone for Christmas received gifts that were unwanted in 2012.
Mass-goers attending Christmas Day service targeted.
"Glory to God in the Highest!"
"We easily forget how deeply the narrative of Jesus, Mary and Joseph has shaped Ireland and Europe."
“Christmas spontaneously releases generosity."
Time spent in prayer followed by a private meeting at Mater Ecclesiae monastery.
Primate invites politicians to support Pope Francis' call for all out action on global hunger.
Recovery of economic sovereignty may appease markets but austerity has been "most unjust".
€1.3 million raised in Dublin for the Philippines and Syria.
Papal trip will include Mass in Bethlehem.
For too many Christmas is marked by “over indulgence, extravagance and selfishness.”
Priest appointed as Episcopal Vicar for Financial Development.
Medical staff in designated centres able to perform abortions under the terms of the Act.
Bishop Jones expresses regret as cuts to Family Support Agency grants blamed.
UN base in Jonglei state besieged as five days of violence leaves over 500 dead.
Concern over "recent violent threats to public safety and security on our streets."
CofI Archbishop and Chairman for the CSP cite constitutional right to freedom of religion.
Social Justice Ireland criticises Government’s Medium-Term Economic Strategy.
Thames voyage to highlight plight of migrants who perish on dangerous journeys.
Talks continue over 12 nuns kidnapped on 6 December.
Annual charity appeal to be launched by the Church of Ireland Archbishop of Dublin.