Without Dr Paisley “peace would not have been delivered” - Cardinal Brady.
Irish prisoners overseas are one of the most marginalised groups of Irish emigrants: Bishop
Xaverian suggests Burundian police found suspect too quickly as “an excuse to divert the investigation”.
Nine staff who treated Ms Halappanavar before her death at Galway University Hospital disciplined.
“Pope is acknowledging unique significance of European institutions in life of our continent" - COMECE President.
WorldPriest organisation praises Wexford pilgrim centre's prayerful promotion of the Global Rosary Relay in June.
“I ask why our society in many areas is uncaring," Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.
Bishop Denis Nulty opens second annual Alpha conference in Maynooth.
Retiring Primate of All Ireland says highlight of his life was to have taken part in the conclave that elected Pope Francis.
Dubliner Revd Canon Dr Kenneth Kearon is Secretary General of the Anglican Communion.
"How appropriate that a cathedral in the heartland of Ireland would be the first to bear that hopeful title, Christ our King."
Seven specially chartered flights left Dublin Airport on Sunday with 175 sick pilgrims, 60 nurses, eight doctors and 560 volunteers from archdiocese of Dublin.
Pontiff warns of urgent need to promote a dialogue of life with Muslims to discourage violence against Christians.
Cathedral of Christ the King marks 75th anniversary with day of jubilations.
77-year-old Sr Christine Frost warns social deprivation and sense of grievance pushing Muslim youth into arms of extremists.
Britain’s Prince Charles tells Chaldean Patriarch he is “heartbroken” by the situation in Iraq.
Local parents predominantly favoured Le Chéile Trust to educate their children.
"To see your own child dead is just unimaginable" - Fr Tom Naughton
Claims of at least two miraculous cures linked to Bradburne.
Amach! group invites Bishop Drennan to meet members and hear about their work and plans.
Solidarity statement issued after mafia boss issues death threat against Fr Luigi Ciotti.
"We are seeing an extreme religious ideology that knows no limits in its persecution of those who are culturally or religiously different."
“We saw an opportunity to fill a need. There’s a real hunger" - Boston Globe Editor Brian McGrory.
Report warns Assyrian Christians, Yazidis, Turkmen and Shabaks 'risk being wiped out'.
"You can have five degrees in theology, but not have the Spirit of God. Maybe you'll be a great theologian, but you are not a Christian," Pontiff warns.
Sant'Egidio Community’s ‘Peace is the Future’ conference to dialogue against backdrop of the centenary of the First World War.
"Safeguard the life and health of people by respecting the environment and nature” - Pontiff.
Tributes for 79-year-old Capuchin who oversees the feeding of 800 people a day.
“Prostitution is inherently violent towards women and girls” former US president warns.
Ceasefires and decommissioning in people's hearts needed Bishop Donal McKeown warns.