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Mothers & Fathers Matter call for No vote

Government could have followed the Portuguese lead by excluding same sex adoption - Keith Mills of Mothers and Fathers Matter.


Vatican raises Christian persecution at UN

UN Secretary General, Ban ki-Moon, will meet Pope Francis in the Vatican later this month to issues including climate change.


Vatican’s doctrinal assessment of US nuns ends

CDF confident that LCWR has made clear its mission to ... foster a vision of religious life centred on the Person of Jesus Christ and rooted in Tradition of the Church.


Bishop Daly says 3,000 jobs would lift Derry

Unemployment is still one of Derry’s “big problems” along with the legacy of the conflict.


Community gathers in support of Buckley family

“We have all been deeply touched by the unconditional love expressed by John and Marian for their daughter Karen” - Bishop Crean.


Church may opt out of marriage registration role

In the event of marriage being redefined as a consequence of a Yes vote in the referendum, the bishops may instruct priests not to act as civil registrars for marriages.


Pope will be told of concerns over Chilean bishop

Cardinal O'Malley "listened carefully to all our concerns and will be bringing them to the Holy Father in the next week” - Marie Collins.


Increasingly difficult to express marriage views

Bishop of Elphin warns that many who support Church's teaching on marriage wonder if they are entitled to express this view publicly anymore.


New bishop of Waterford & Lismore installed

“We put ourselves at the service of others especially those most in need in our society: the poor, the sick, the vulnerable, those who feel alienated from God”.


Turkey hits back at Pope over Armenian genocide

Pontiff calls on heads of state and international organisations to recognise the truth of what happened in Armenian genocide in which 1.5m lost their lives.


Pope officially proclaims Jubilee Year of Mercy

As a sign of communion of the whole Church, the Pope has requested that every diocese in the world open a 'Door of Mercy' for local celebrations of the Jubilee year.


Leaders of reform groups to meet in Limerick

Forty representatives from around the world include Austrian couple excommunicated for holding private Masses without a priest.


Christ Church to mark Magna Carta’s 800th

Rare 14th century copy of Magna Carta, contained within the cathedral’s Liber Niger, will form centrepiece of the interactive family-friendly exhibition.


Poor Clares welcome new member from Philippines

New member of Carlow community was influenced by an Irish missionary priest and the Legion of Mary.


Increase in the number of ordinations in US

595 men expected to be ordained to the priesthood in 2015, an increase of 24.7% on last year’s figure of 477, according to US Conference of Catholic Bishops.


1916 centenary offers chance to rediscover values

Easter proclamation “would hardly have meant that in respecting differing lifestyles we prioritise adults over children” - Bishop Leahy.


Israeli court halts wall from dividing monastery

Court overruled plan that would have divided the Cremisan monastery, near Bethlehem, stating that it “violated the rights” of the people of Beit Jala.


Primate’s tribute to President’s ethics initiative

“The Christian vocation is to seek out and accompany those who suffer a long ‘Good Friday’, and open to them the promise of resurrection."


Pope prays for Syria and Kenya in Urbi et Orbi

"May the international community not stand by before the immense humanitarian tragedy unfolding in these countries."


Bring hope to those tempted to despair: Primate

Beannachtaí na Cásca oraibh go leir.


Christians are called to be people who treasure life

“I cannot celebrate the light of Christ without thinking of those students in Kenya singled out to be killed precisely because of their Christian identity" - Archbishop Martin.


Pope condemns ‘senseless’ attack in Kenya

We must stand up to the men of violence Archbishop Martin exhorts in Way of the Cross reflection.


National Eucharistic Congress to be held in Knock

September Congress will be an opportunity to reflect on the fruits of IEC2012 and a preparation for the International Congress in Philippines in 2016.


Bishop appeals on behalf of Middle East Christians

Good Friday collection supports the Holy Land shrines connected with the life of Jesus as well as for providing pastoral care to the region's Catholics.


PLC lashes RTE over abortion documentary

RTÉ accused of failing in its obligation to provide balance to the Irish public on the abortion issue.


Tenth anniversary of the death of St John Paul II

Polish saint showed the sick how to “carry the cross of suffering with joy” - Pope Francis.


Columban bell honours life of Irish saint

Bell is part of the 1,400th anniversary celebrations of St Columbanus as well as the centenary celebrations of the Knights of St Columbanus.


Limerick teenagers impress Synod consultation

Bishop Leahy issues open invitation to young people and all others to participate in the renewal of the Church locally through the Limerick Diocesan Synod.


Ennis to host major gospel music festival

The 6th annual Gospel Rising Music Festival will see choirs from Ireland and beyond perform in Ennis from 8 - 10 May 2015.


Primate appeals on behalf of the Disappeared

“Some families are living a long Good Friday and it is difficult for them to know the Easter promise of resurrection.”

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