More than 100,000 people have visited St Mel’s Cathedral since it re-opened last Christmas five years after it was burnt to a shell on Christmas Day 2009.
“Jesus has compassion on those who mourn because the death of a loved one is never without pain for families. This is especially true of parents who lose a child": Pope
“It was very moving to hear the councilors speak from the heart of their own personal stories of indebtedness to orders and congregations” - Bishop Brendan Leahy.
"At this profoundly painful time I pray for those who have died, and ask also for prayerful support for their grieving families, fellow students and loved ones.”
Bishop Kevin Dowling of Rustenburg in South Africa tells CORI AGM that to restate and reaffirm traditional ideals for marriage is the easy part.
Fr Michael Geraghty is the youngest priest in Killaloe. He will spend his summer helping the diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes followed by a stint of missionary work in Africa.
"Sow generously in season and out of season. Leave worries about the growth to the Lord," Bishop Donal McKeown tells newly ordained Fr Seán O'Donnell.
"Managerialism has wreaked havoc on the dynamic of faith ... and potentiality in the church, as also has neo-orthodoxy" - Archbishop Michael Jackson.
Bishop John Buckley led mourners at the funeral Mass of Sr Thérèse Marie O’Connell who spent fifty-seven years as a Poor Clare at the French shrine.
The bishops are to set up a special review group to examine how best the Church can continue to support marriage and family life in Ireland.
Five more priests in Dublin the subject of allegations of historical child sexual abuse though the overall number of allegations shows a drop over the last two years.
Official opening of new campus at St Patrick’s College Drumcondra as it prepares for merger with students from other teacher training colleges.
Anglican roots of Jesuit priest from Dublin to be recognised in liturgy led by Church of Ireland Primate, Archbishop Michael Jackson.
Bishops listen to "heart rending" testimony from Syrian Catholic Archbishop of Iraqi city of Mosul on the plight of his people.
Starting with a shrine in Siberia, 84 Marian shrines all the over the world will host thousands of people reciting relays of the rosary over a 24-hour period.
“We are close to coming to a decision," the Pontiff told press on flight back to Rome from Sarajevo regarding the investigation into the alleged Marian apparitions at Medjugorje.
Hundreds of thousands of devotees of popular Italian saint invited to participate in feast day devotions via a live internet broadcast of Mass from the Basilica in Padua on 13 June.
“Laws which permit people to give suicide assistance are dangerous" warns disability campaigner and founder of Hope Ireland, Dr Kevin Fitzpatrick.
32-year-old woman living in Ireland bled to death in the back of a taxi within hours of undergoing an abortion at a Marie Stopes clinic in London.
“From the beginning he was a teacher, and a very good one by all accounts. The word most often used by people was kind. Quiet in disposition and very discreet.”
Jesuit concerned that the Government does not fully appreciate the scale and seriousness of the housing and homelessness crisis.
Fr Christopher Derwin at just 32 years old is the youngest diocesan priest in the archdiocese of Dublin while Fr Paul Glennon is 41.
Bishop who led the Diocese of Achonry for almost 31 years until retiring in 2008 had a “reputation as a pastoral leader with a great love for Catholic education”.
Irish Church needs a church leadership which empowers the laity – the “sleeping giant”.
Some accuse the Church of not doing enough to stop the amendment; others criticise Church for stridently presenting a message that was out of touch with the people.
Nine new deacons and 14 ordinations to the priesthood contribute to a "remarkable year" for Maynooth.
Christians in the Middle and Near East "endure and sustain unspeakable human suffering and degradation, intimidation and displacement" - Archbishop Michael Jackson.
The nine are from the dioceses of Armagh, Clogher, Cork & Ross, Derry, Down & Connor, Galway (2), and Meath (2).
Restavek children are given into domestic service from early childhood and face a lifetime of vulnerability and poverty.
The total number of allegations notified to the National Board between 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015 was 265 NBSCCCI annual report reveals.