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Catholics petition Pope to keep parishes open

“The problem in Ireland is clustering of parishes, leading to added pressure on aging priests, and formation of bigger, more impersonal, units.”


Absence of a compassionate response to survivors

NBSCCCI audits of 43 orders show a total of 325 allegations of sexual abuse were made against 141 religious resulting in 8 criminal convictions.


ACI support introduction of married priests

Support for Bishop O’Reilly's suggestion that the bishops set up a commission to study the possibility of ordaining married men & appointing female deacons.


Pope substantially reforms annulment process

“It will probably not help Catholics who are validly married and who unfortunately are in trouble with their relationship.”


Govts urged to agree coordinated refugee action plan

“All of us can play our part in making such a plan work on the ground here in Ireland" - Archbishop Eamon Martin.


Increased youth presence on Lourdes pilgrimage

“The connections forged between young people, working as helpers, and the sick and elderly is always a joyful experience for both" - Fr Martin Noone.


“Suffering of this scale can’t be allowed to continue”

Irish bishops take strong solidarity stance as they call for a generous response to the needs of refugees.


Bishop Doran seeks Dáil recall over refugee crisis

Parish communities asked to consider whether there are vacant properties - houses, granny-flats or spare-rooms which might accommodate refugees.


Migrant crisis: Church will not be found wanting

Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin encourages parishes and deaneries to gather together to reflect on their pastoral response to "this huge crisis".


Primate writes to MPs about ‘Assisted Dying’ Bill

“Every human life is worth living and worthy of our utmost care and protection to its natural end."


Resignation of Cloyne’s Designated Liaison Person

Row with Bishop William Crean over the handling of an ex priest whom the Vatican dismissed from the clerical state last January.


‘I hope people will find Ireland a welcoming place’

Archbishop of Dublin calls for a generous response to those caught up in the largest refugee crisis since the Second World War.


Oppose assisted suicide bill Cardinal Nichols urges

“Helping someone to commit suicide compromises the fundamental human dignity of both parties involved. Assisted suicide is assisted killing.”


Archbishop to establish Laudato Si schools prize

As Churches we have often neglected our responsibilities for the protection of creation or have even distorted the true attitude towards the environment.


Irish Ratzinger scholars meet Pope Emeritus

Four members of the International Ratzinger Symposium, which is held annually in Maynooth, introduced to the former Pontiff.


Presidential award for missionary Sr Miriam Duggan

Three Irish missionaries recognised on Presidential Distinguished Service Awards for 2015.


Irish Church marks World Day of Prayer for Creation

“It demonstrates to our elected representatives that protection of creation is important to us” - Bishop John McAreavey.


Irish Senator among politicians to meet Pope

Senator Rónán Mullen among eighty politicians from around the world to discuss the persecution of Christians in the Middle East with Pontiff.


Bishop slams sin of filing false tax return

"Attitudes lead to actions" Bishop Kevin Doran tells Elphin pilgrims on annual diocesan pilgrimage to French shrine of Lourdes.


By 2031 there will be one million over 65s in Ireland

“We are focusing far too much on the performance of the economy and not nearly enough on issues such as aging, social housing and sustainability" - Dr Seán Healy.


“A farm tragedy affects so many” – Bishop Nulty

“Last Wednesday, ‘a fear and trembling’ gripped us all when we heard that Dónal had died as a result of a most unfortunate, unexpected and sudden accident."


President of Maynooth talks about seminary life

“We do have to push for a more cohesive approach to bringing in prospective student priests” - Mgr Hugh Connolly.


Pope will visit Kenya, Uganda & CAR in November

The Kenyan bishops have chosen as their theme, “To stand strong in the faith”.


Ratzinger Schülerkreis to discuss search for God

The search for new means to speak of God has been at the core of Benedict's theological work since the Second Vatican Council.


Just 4 in 10 American Catholics aware of Laudato Si

Poll also found Catholics (43%) barely ahead of the general public (39%) in viewing global warming as a moral issue.


Dublin to mark World Day of Prayer for all Creation

“It offers individual believers and the community a precious opportunity to renew our personal participation in this vocation as custodians of creation."


Renewal will see families ministering to families

Irish Church may “look at the way we do marriage preparation and to what extent our families are involved in preparing new families for marriage” - Primate.


Rose of Tralee volunteered in Lourdes in July

“I have great faith and I wanted to give something back and to give thanks."


17 men begin studies for priesthood in Maynooth

New batch of seminarians is up on last year's cohort of 14 and brings the total number of resident seminarians training in Maynooth to sixty.


Bishop Nulty affirms teachers as schools reopen

Some "complain that change in patronage is progressing too slowly; that’s because local communities are happy with the model that best serves local needs."

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