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President Higgins pays tribute to Sr Miriam Duggan

Irish missionary presently works with Hands of Care & Hope project in the slums of Nairobi assisting out of school youth and those living with HIV.


“Cherish all the children of the nation equally”

“As a society our progress should be measured against how effectively we care for the most vulnerable amongst us,” bishops state.


20 religious orders reviewed in safeguarding audits

53 allegations against 44 priests, brothers or sisters between 1941 and 2009 resulted in no convictions.


Same sex marriage vote was an error: Bishop Cullinan

Bishop questions whether the State really cares about marriage in view of the fact that it doesn't have marriage preparation courses.


High Court decision “profoundly disquieting”: bishops

“It’s time for antiquated and discriminatory attitudes towards unborn babies with disabilities to end.”


‘I come as a pilgrim of peace’ – Pope Francis in CAR

"To all those who make unjust use of the weapons of this world, I make this appeal: lay down these instruments of death!"


Pope to meet Irish nun Sr Mary Killeen in Nairobi

Irish missionary is helping over half a million of Kenya's poorest eking out an existence in a slum with inadequate sanitation, medical, educational and water services.


23,000 ‘confession cards’ distributed across Cloyne

New Evangelisation has already begun in the diocese, according to Archdeacon, based on the hunger in the hearts of many for a new spirit in their lives.


Bishop Nulty presides at ordination of Jesuit priest

"The renewal of the Irish Church will be strengthened by the determination of men who see priesthood as a second life choice and respond generously."


Reporters Without Borders criticises Vatican trial

Trial of two journalists for publishing expose books using leaked information poses a threat to freedom of the press.


Dominicans bid sad farewell to Athy foundation

Association with Co Kildare town dating back to the 13th century comes to an end due to a lack of friars.


Minister’s call for repeal of 8th Amendment criticised

Families of babies with life-limiting conditions are discovering too late about the existence of perinatal palliative care as an alternative to abortion: PLC


Trócaire’s impact in Kenya praised by Irish delegates

“Thank you Trócaire for not forgetting about me” were the words of one young bed-ridden mother of two.


Kerry women’s group wants porn made inaccessible

Call to Minister Alex White follows US bishops' special statement last week on why the production and use of pornography is a sin.


‘Priesthood must not be treated as a job’: Pope

Priests should be “authoritative, not authoritarian; firm, but not hard; joyful, but not superficial…in short, shepherds, not functionaries”.


‘The whole world is at war’ Pope Francis laments

“Here before the door of this Jubilee of Mercy, let us ask that the world discover the ability to weep for its crimes, for what the world does with war.”


Primate hosts cross-border talks on climate change

Summit in Paris provides a historic opportunity to re-balance the equation towards more just and sustainable development: Archbishop Martin.


Killing of priest in Mexico linked to drug cartels

Islamic extremists blamed for gun attack on missionary doctor in Bangladesh which has left Italian priest fighting for his life.


‘Using God’s name to justify violence is blasphemy’

Pope Francis and Bishop of Elphin address the legacy of Paris terror attacks stressing the way of violence & hatred doesn't resolve the problems of humanity.


“We share in the grief of the entire city of Paris”

Church leaders call for prayers to be said in churches across the country today for those killed and injured in the "barbaric and monstrous attacks" in Paris.


Irish Primates ask for prayers for Paris victims

“Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Paris today and we express our solidarity with the French community living here in Ireland.”


“This is a shocking attack on humanity” – Taoiseach

Series of gun and suicide bomb attacks leave at least 120 people dead and 200 more injured in Paris on Friday evening.


Title deeds don’t guarantee Catholic ethos: Martin

In the current debates about Catholic schools there is often so much emphasis on ownership and rights to ownership from the Church side.


Govt urged to do more for those in prostitution

President of RENATE and spokeswoman for Act to Prevent Trafficking (APT) jointly criticise Amnesty International’s stance on prostitution.


Catholic schools must have clear identity: Archbishop

“We have Catholic schools because parents want them. It is parents who must insist that the religious ethos of our schools is respected and not abandoned.”


Pope Francis has lunch with the poor in Florence

"Let it be a Church that is free and open to the challenges of the present, never on the defensive for fear of losing something."


Tribute to Mercy Sisters as they leave Ballyhaunis

"Our celebration is tinged with a certain sadness because we say farewell to the Sisters who were at the very heartbeat of this community over these years".


Church must adapt to change with vision & courage

Archbishop Martin calls for Church to free itself from positions of the past including control of schools and institutions.


Annual Service of Remembrance for war dead

There is not a village, or town, in any county in Ireland that did not suffer losses in World War I - Revd Michael Roemmele in his homily at St Patrick's Cathedral.


Death of Jesuit theologian Fr Michael Paul Gallagher

"Heaven is a place where we experience God's love in a new way and we enter into communion with that God” - Archbishop Martin.

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