Catholic Bishop of Meath and Church of Ireland Primate focus on the human cost of the homeless crisis in their Christmas messages.
John Bruton tells Irish Catholic Doctors’ Learning Network, “A law that forces someone to take part in, or to facilitate, an action that that person believes is contrary to a deeply held religious conviction could be in conflict with Article 44.2.1.”
“We have to face the fact that at the moment there are [fewer] priests than we were used to, and this has an effect on how parishes operate. Obviously, there is a whole richness within the laity that hasn’t been tapped into.”
Students aged 15 to 18 are invited to write an article or make a video report on the topic: ‘The Challenge of Climate Change’.
“I wanted to share with other people the awesome consolations of faith that I have received so that they will know that God is real, and that Jesus is present in the world and available to us – if we can just tune in and reach out.”
“We need to promote arrangements that encourage greater co-operation and exchange between parishes” – Bishop Brendan Leahy.
The CD features timeless carols as well as modern compositions by Irish composers, and choral pieces that are instantly evocative of the Christmas season.
Addressing a panel discussion, Ambassador Derek Hannon described the nuns’ advocacy as “vital and occasionally dangerous” and said it was work the Irish government supported both morally and financially.
“Stephen Marron was so important to our lives in so many different ways. Someone whose presence was so life-giving and now is dead.”
Since 1976, Sr Mary Killeen has introduced education, health, and community services programmes to the slums of Mukuru in Nairobi, helping over 170,000 people to become self-sustainable.
‘Walking the Walk’ follows the charismatic Dublin priest from his diagnosis last March to the completion of his inspirational walk from Letterkenny to Ballydehob to raise money for Motor Neurone Disease.
There is “little sense of mission within the Catholic Church in Ireland” and no sense of what that mission should be, Bishop Dermot Farrell tells conference in Kilkenny.
“We state definitively that those who do not respect freedom of thought, conscience and religion must be held to account” – Chair of the Council for Justice and Peace of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference, Bishop Alan McGuckian.
Rialto Bridge and waters of the Grand Canal in Venice bathed in crimson to draw attention to the discrimination that Christians like Asia Bibi suffer in many parts of the world.
“This is not a time for wringing our hands in frustration or for sitting on our hands in despair. We need to talk. We need to work together. We need to stop deferring decisions that need to be made now.”
An opportunity to “reflect on the visit of Pope Francis to Ireland last August when he invited us to welcome Christ in the bits and pieces, the ordinary moments of everyday life” – Archbishop Eamon Martin.
The Church in Chains group has organised the vigil to highlight the “dreadful injustice” to Asia Bibi who is “still effectively a prisoner”, and that her life and that of her family are “in grave danger”.
Bishop Denis Nulty publicly acknowledges and recognises contribution of Mercy Sisters and religious generally to Irish life and culture, and to life and culture far beyond Irish shores.
“Social media are powerful instruments yet paradoxically they can sadly become a trap for fruitless and at times even nasty internal Church polemics.”
Archbishop Martin describes 37-year-old mother of five as a “woman of deep faith” who made "a deep impression right across the country”.
The conference will feature master classes by John Sweeney of the BBC, Carlo Bonini of La Repubblica, independent filmmaker Sinead O'Shea and Amy Molloy from
Archbishop Michael Jackson to bless and dedicate relic of Dublin’s patron Saint at a service of Festal Choral Evensong in Christ Church Cathedral on 14 November.
General practice is not the appropriate setting in which to deliver abortion, because of the lack of capacity in an already overstretched environment, lack of training and concerns over availability of ultrasound.
Kerry footballer launches new novel based on the true story of the Irish priest who is considered to be one of the most significant figures in Catholic resistance to Nazism.
Fr Michael Kelly (89) from Co. Offaly conferred with the Order of Distinguished Service for his work in developing strategies for HIV prevention.
“The spread and use of new technologies has increased autonomy, but for many it has also led to an intensification of work, shrinking the space for life in family and society.”
Catholic peer Baroness Nuala O’Loan tells conference ‘Women and the Catholic Church’ there is “change afoot” in the Church in relation to women.
Concerns over the length of time the statutory authorities and the Vatican take to respond when an allegation against a priest is reported.
“Travellers are finding themselves at the centre of unwelcome and unfair comment. Our society, which is already unequal, cannot afford to become any more polarised” – Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly.
Pro Life Campaign laments “one of the saddest days” in Irish history as substantial majority of TDs back bill, which now goes to Committee stage to consider amendments such as Freedom of Conscience.