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Archbishop launches new Facebook page for Lent

By Sarah Mac Donald - 18 February, 2015

Lent FacebookThe Primate of All Ireland, Archbishop Eamon Martin, is inviting people to make a special effort to open themselves up to the grace that God offers during Lent.

The Archbishop has launched a special web feature and a new Facebook page which begins today – Ash Wednesday.

The resource is intended to help those interested in journeying in faith through Lent.

“I love the phrase which Pope Francis uses in his Message for Lent this year where he describes Lent as a time for ‘formation of the heart’,” Archbishop Martin said.

“During this Lenten season I invite everyone to look into their heart, see the things which might be closing our heart to God’s love and make a special effort to open ourselves up to the grace that God offers during this Lenten season,” he appealed.

“I ask that we:

Open our hearts to the love of God,
Open our hearts in charity and love for others,
Let our hearts be formed and shaped this Lent so that they can be more like the heart of Jesus.”

Archbishop Martin recalled that, “For many years we have provided online resources to assist with our Lenten preparations which seek to guide us as we prepare spiritually for the joy and hope which comes with the Easter season.”

“During this season of Lent, I invite everyone to visit and avail of the information provided on our website and on Facebook and to join in the conversation on Twitter using the hashtags #lent and #lent2015.”

Follow Archbishop Martin on Twitter @Archbishop Eamon. The Lent Facebook page can be accessed at the following link https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lent/506371582805408

The website catholicbishops.ie offers Lenten information and resources, which are also available on our new Facebook page:

  • Pope Francis’ message for Lent on the theme “Make your hearts firm”(Jas 5:8).
  • Lenten tweets from Pope Francis
  • Lenten reflections which will be made available throughout Lent with the first one available for Ash Wednesday from Father Michael Drumm, chair of the Catholic Schools Partnership
  • Prayers and Pastoral Letters for Lent
  • Suggestions on observing Friday Penance during Lent
  • Explanations of Lent and Lenten practices
  • Events taking place in parishes and dioceses across Ireland during Lent
  • Links to Find the Balance: Dare to Dream video profiling testimonies from young Irish people on alcohol moderation

mahlet-landscape1The theme of Trócaire’s 2015 Lenten campaign is ‘Fighting drought and hunger caused by climate change’ and it is focused on northern Ethiopia and the suffering caused by ongoing drought as a result of climate change.

Mahlet (13) is the girl on this year’s Trócaire Box. She comes from a small mountainous village in Ethiopia that is suffering from an ongoing drought due to climate change.

The community is working harder than ever to support themselves, but the unreliable rainfall is making it difficult to grow their crops.

Trócaire is working to change this. With your support Trócaire is helping hard working communities in some of the poorest parts of the world to adapt to the changing climate, and grow food for their families to eat.

For children like Mahlet, fighting drought means better health and more nutritious food.

The following are some sources of information on the Trócaire’s appeal for Lent 2015 and how individuals and parishes can play an active role in the Pope’s ‘campaign against global indifference’ to the suffering of the poor: 

For Parishes and Chaplains:

Schools & Education Resources:

Social Media:

Please share any photographs you might have of fundraising initiatives, solidarity events, sacred spaces/ Lenten displays, Lenten Parish gatherings with us via social media at….

Multimedia for Presentations & Websites:

Finally, for those using smart phones, you can now have your Trócaire box with you at all times during Lent. Simply download the Trócaire box app (Powered by JustGiving) from the Apple App Store or Google Playstore.

CatholicIreland.net has its own illustrated Lenten resource which offers a daily short gospel quote, a focused prayer, a brief reflection, and a daily action suggestion. Fr Donal Neary, SJ is the author of the reflections which run from 18 February to 5 April.

For more information see: https://www.catholicireland.net/lenten-journey/

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