Monday of the Third Week of Advent 15-12-14
Gospel: Matthew 21:28
I tell you, the tax collectors and prostitutes are going into the kingdom of God ahead of you.
Reflection: Beyond Words
Jesus has always looked beyond words to how people act.
He judges on people’s desires to do good and to be good.
He knows we do not always succeed, and one of the few condemnations in his life was about hypocrites.
He has little time for the one who promises much and delivers little, whose religion is only words and dogmas with little love and care. Maybe he would prefer that we promise only what we know we can deliver, and remain faithful to what we can promise.
Jesus knows that our belonging to God is a gift of God and we belong by living the life of love,
strengthened in our goodness, and healed in our weakness, always forgiven for sins, faults and failings.Our waiting for the coming of God increases our faith in our belonging to God.
Jesus, may love come to birth in us,
may your birth bring hope and joy,
may you be born again in our hope, love and joy.
Please offer a prayer today for :
those who are victims of abuse in their lives,
those families that have to live with the abuse,
those who directly support these families in their pain and
those who professionally deal with these hurts.
Our thanks to all those who helped, were quoted or whose pictures we used in th making of this site.
Our thanks especially to Donal Neary SJ for the use/adaptation of the text of his booklet,
‘Praying in Advent’.
Columba Press