Saturday of the Second Week of Advent 13-12-14
Gospel: Matthew 7:13
‘So also, the Son of Man is about to suffer at their hands’.
Reflection: Looking into the future
Isn’t it strange to know the future of a child? Each time we visit a crib of Bethlehem we can also see the cross: ‘a babe soon to be nailed to a tree’. In a short time that baby, born in poverty and love, would be killed by the evil which was not too far away at his birth.
We know little of the future when we see a new-born baby, but we can rightly presume that every life will have its mixture of joy and sorrow, excitment and challenge, pleasure and suffering.
God made human in Jesus is no different. We touch the full reality of life in the baby of Mary and in the care of Joseph.
We hope for the best for our children, and know that God cares as much for every child as he cared for Jesus, in birth as well as in death. We work is to introduce them to the knowledge of Jesus with his message of hope for them in good times and bad.
Jesus, Lord of life, give us hope.
Jesus, carrier of hope, give us joy.
Jesus, joy of God, make our hearts like yours.
Please offer a prayer today for :
parents who gave so much care to us,
parents who did their best for us,
parents who may have died when we were very young,
those who, in the absence of their natural parents, take
care of the children.
Our thanks to all those who helped, were quoted or whose pictures we used in th making of this site.
Our thanks especially to Donal Neary SJ for the use/adaptation of the text of his booklet,
‘Praying in Advent’.
Columba Press