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Signs of Great Things to Come

Dec. 10, 2nd Friday of Advent

10 December, 2021

It was Christmas Day in Nigeria and after forty years of missionary life, Fr Mike,  was being retired and replaced by the a fresh faced newly ordained priest, Fr Joe, straight from the Seminary. The church authorities felt Fr Joe was going places, a rising star, with great intellectual powers. Fr. Mike was asked to remain on for a few weeks to act as a guide for new priest.

On that Christmas morning, the young priest got up to speak for the first time to the parishioners. His opening sentence was
‘God is infinite in his nature, transcendental in his essence, and joyous in His incarnation.’
He paused for a moment for effect and to allow his solemn proclamation sink into the minds of his new parishioners. The people had a look of puzzlement on their faces. The young preacher looked to, Fr Mike for an explanation. Fr Mike stood up, gave Fr Joe the thumbs up and  said to the people.
‘Father Joe said:  ‘God is everywhere and in everything and that Fr Joe himself, is awfully glad to be here with you today!’

The people all stood up, applauded and danced with Christmas joy.
Young Fr. Joe felt everything would be ‘ok’ now and smiled.
Preaching Jesus to these strange people would not be as difficult as he thought after all.
Fr Mike prayed that the young missionary would soon learn how to find Jesus in the people he came to preach at.


Come Lord Jesus

….Thanks to Jack Mc Ardle, And that’s the Gospel Truth, www.Columba.ie