By Cian Molloy - 03 August, 2019
Bishop Fintan Monahan of Killaloe, who does a blessing of the roads ceremony every bank holiday
The regular Bank Holiday blessing of the roads ceremony organised by Bishop Fintan Monahan of Killaloe takes place again this evening in Ennis.
Since becoming Bishop of Killaloe three years ago, the 52-year-old has made raising awareness of road safety a feature of his episcopacy.
This latest road blessing ceremony comes only days after the Road Safety Authority and An Garda Síochána released the mid-year statistics for 2019. They show that road fatalities this year are greater than for the same time last year.
“We all share a responsibility to protect human life on our roads,” said Bishop Monahan.
“This loss of human life is a tragedy for our society and is particularly devastating for the families and loved ones of those involved. I invite parishes across the diocese to pray for those who have lost their lives in tragic circumstances so far this year, and also to pray for the safety of our road users.”
The blessing of the roads will take place today, after 6.30pm Mass, at the Cathedral of Sts Peter & Paul in Ennis.
In addition to organising the road blessing ceremony at bank holidays, Bishop Monahan has actively promoted two prayers that could be said by motorists before starting a journey. One of the prayers is a traditional Irish-language prayer dating from the 17th century; the other is a contemporary prayer addressed to Our Lady.
In ainm an Athar le bua,
In ainm an Mhic a d’fhulaing an phian,
In ainm an Spiorad Naoimh le neart,
Muire is a Mac linn inár dtriall.
Prayer for Motorists
Holy Mother, hear our prayer,
Keep us in your loving care,
Whatever the perils of the way,
Let us not add to them this day.
So to our caution and attention,
We add a prayer for your protection,
To beg God’s blessing on this car,
To travel safely near and far.