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6,000 read priest’s faith blog as he battles illness

By Sarah Mac Donald - 29 March, 2015

Fr Pat MooreAlmost 6,000 people have read a Co Kerry’s priest online journal of faith as he battles serious illness.

Fr Pat Moore (57) who has been a priest of the Diocese of Kerry for the past 33 years has been battling esophagus cancer since last month.

Since he was diagnosed with the illness on 14 February he has derived “daily support, comfort and inspiration” from his daily blog.

In one post, Fr Moore who is parish priest of Duagh, said that his illness “was sudden because indicators like my bloods were fine last November and I had just experienced discomfort swallowing and coughing during January”.

Speaking about his blog he said, “I’ve got great support, comfort and inspiration from this site as it keeps lines of communication open with so many friends and acquaintances at home and abroad.”

Anyone interested in following his story can begin with the first entry on 14 February.

“The shock of getting the news on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes isn’t stuck into me, thankfully. The place I need to move to is Trust – trust in doctors and their care, and trust in the God who is making his presence felt in a very real way around me.”

In a post on his treatment, Fr Moore writes, “There was no treatment today Monday, but for a good reason. The team of consultants from two hospitals now feel they can do a better treatment with radiation as they look in more detail at the tumour.”

“This has been explained to me in great detail. I am not disappointed, rather inspired by the attention to detail, dedication and skills of communication of the team taking care of me here.”

“I now start with chemo and radium on this Wednesday as my bloods are holding good. If you want to make God laugh tell God your plans!”

This was a reference to the postponement of treatment from Monday to Wednesday of this week when he underwent chemotherapy at the Cork Bons Secours Hospital and at Cork University Hospital.

In his most recent post he quotes from a new book on his late friend, the writer John O’Donohue: “We were sent here to search for the light of Easter in our hearts, and when we find it we are meant to give it away generously.”

Speaking about the site he said, “For me, with people and friends around the diocese, I wanted to communicate directly and put the story out. I wanted to be as honest and transparent as possible.”

He added that ”one of the main questions that people visiting my blog have been asking me is what can I do for you. He answers emphatically give blood. I had to have four units of blood since last Saturday and I am so grateful for the gift of giving”.

Fr Moore’s blog can be viewed at caringbridge.org under Fr Pat Moore.

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