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Advent Moments: Week 1 , Friday

05 December, 2014

lonely journey

Friday of the first week of Advent :5/12/14

Jesus and Blind man Gospel:         Matthew 9

   As Jesus went on from there,
two blind men followed him, shouting
Have mercy on us, Son of David’


Reflection: Journeying Together

Nobfootprintsody can make life’s journey alone. The blind men knew that, and many others who came to Jesus also felt their dependency in life. Knowing and accepting another person, in strength and weakness, being known and accepted brings depth to life, and companionship on life’s journey.

There are times we need a guide, a shelter, and footprints we can walk in. No footprints are surer for our safety than those of Jesus. He guides us to true joy, happiness and fulfilment. The footprints of others in life may be the footprints of Jesus. Our restored sight can show us new ways, sure ways and faithful ways to God in Jesus and the journeys of others.

Walking with JesusPrayer:

Jesus, Son of God and son of Mary, have mercy on us.
Jesus, guide and friend to the twelve, have mercy on us.
Jesus, centre of the community of the church, have mercyon us.


Offer a prayer today for our people, living and dead, family, relatives and friends with whom we have shared our life of faith and/or our moments of failure.
