Despite criticisms of the Church, people still appreciate their priests.
Congregation rejects claims that they were paid any money for any adoption.
Rector of Allen Hall Seminary is the son of Irish emigrants from Connemara.
Programme involves speaking to classes about the real presence, confession and communion.
Restoration of grant will also provide business to local contractors according to CPSMA.
Ireland makes target in EU signature initiative aimed at stopping embryo research.
Dublin exhibition launched by Abbot Mark Patrick Hederman of Glenstal Abbey.
A record number of women accessed Ruhama's services last year.
JPII awards aim to inspire young people to greater participation in their local Church.
Report fails to “examine critically" the growth and size of the moneylending industry in Ireland.
US tour by Medjugorje visionary, Ivan Dragicevic, cancelled.
Crowds unite with Pope in prayer for healing of gravely ill child.
Forty-five killed in Sadad as Irish Church to hold collection in aid of Trócaire's work in Syria.
Challenges importance society places on role of mothers and fathers in bringing up children.
VMM's contribution to international development highlighted.
Independent review of Garda report “in the interests of transparency”.
Former CDF Prefect gives catechesis address in Maynooth.
Recognition for social justice campaigner's long commitment to those on the margins.
Registration deadline for fundraising event extended.
Franciscan delighted by huge numbers who felt Anthony to be a presence in their lives.
Media speculation focuses on Irish theologian from TCD.
Morale among Irish priests “very challenged” by abuse scandals.
Reference to blasphemy “largely obsolete" according to Irish Council of Churches.
"BPAS ideology of abortion on demand until birth repugnant to most Irish people."
By then there will be 106 cardinals under 80 who are therefore eligible to vote in a conclave.
Crisis of faith is far more serious than most Church leaders recognise, warns head of Mater Dei.
Actor to learn about Goal's work to support those affected by 2010 earthquake.
All those who preceded us and died in the Lord are there in heaven with God - Pope Francis.
“We gather here this afternoon to reflect and to pray. We gather to reflect on the gift and on the meaning of human life. We pray for the fostering in our society and in our nation of a new culture of life. We gather as disciples of Jesus Christ [...]
1,200 members of the congregation around the world celebrate Irishwoman's step towards canonisation.